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Spugnois, an apprentice mage from Stalmaer is a small town in Furyondy, located at the junction of the Att and Velverdyva River. Spugnoir has recently taken residence at The Inn of the Welcome Wench in the village of Hommlet. Driven by a thirst for arcane knowledge, he seeks to uncover the secrets of the ruined moathouse nearby. A cautious and strategic thinker, Spugnois keeps a low profile, carefully planning his moves while hoping to align with adventurers on similar quests. 

Background and History

Early Life in Dyvers
Spugnois, pronounced "spug-nois," hails from the the township of Stalmaer. He grew up fascinated by the arcane arts, showing promise early on as an Evoker. Under the tutelage of a local sage, Spugnois honed his skills and developed a keen interest in ancient spells and magical artifacts.
Journey to Hommlet
Six months ago, a misunderstanding in Stalmaer forced Spugnois to flee the town, barely escaping the city guard. He made his way to Hommlet, lured by rumors of the moathouse, once home to a powerful warlock. The recent events of The Battle of Emridy Meadows and the sacking of the moathouse presented an irresistible opportunity to Spugnois, who saw the potential for uncovering lost arcane secrets.


Spugnois is a young Oeridian Oerid with an unassuming appearance, often dressed in nondescript clothing to avoid attracting attention. He carries a dagger for protection, and his large trunk holds his magical paraphernalia, including spell components, scrolls, and various tools essential for dungeon exploration.
"Hello are you adventurers? My name is Spugnoir, and I work for a sage in Staimaer. He has directed me to locate any and all wizard scrolls in the area."   "I just recently arrive in a merchant wagon. I plan to check a nearby ruined moat house, which I understand once housed a powerful warlock. This was before the Battle of Emridy Meadows, after which the moat house was sacked." ........... "Really? I would love to accompany you. I don't want any share of money or items other than to ask for all of the wizard scrolls we find."

Motivation and Relationships

Spugnois is driven by a relentless pursuit of arcane knowledge. His primary goal is to find and study wizard scrolls, particularly those rumored to be hidden in the moathouse. He is willing to assist adventurers in exchange for access to these scrolls, but his true allegiance is to his own quest for magical power.
"Every scroll holds a fragment of power waiting to be unlocked by the worthy."
  • 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench: Spugnois is a frequent guest at the inn, where he spends his evenings listening to tales of adventure and planning his next move.
  • Local Adventurers: He is eager to join forces with adventurers, offering his skills in exchange for access to magical scrolls.

Current Events

Presence in Hommlet
Spugnois has been in the Village of Hommlet for a few weeks, keeping a low profile while gathering information about the moathouse. He has learned much about the local history and the events leading to The Battle of Emridy Meadows.
Concerns and Plans
Spugnois is growing increasingly concerned about the rise in bandit activity and the decline in merchant traffic through Hommlet. These developments threaten to disrupt his plans, and he is keen on finding a party of adventurers to join him in exploring the moathouse before conditions worsen.
Hidden Truths
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  • True Motivation: Spugnois’s primary interest lies in the arcane secrets of the moathouse. He plans to shadow any adventurers who refuse to let him join their party, hoping to claim any discovered scrolls for himself.
  • Background: Originally from Stalmaer, Spugnois fled the town due to a misunderstanding with the city guard. His unassuming garb and cautious demeanor are part of a strategy to avoid recognition and potential capture.
  • Secret Knowledge: Spugnois knows about the presence of a warlock in the moathouse before its sacking. This information drives his desire to explore the ruins and uncover any remaining arcane knowledge.
  Spugnois is a complex character, driven by a blend of curiosity, ambition, and a desire for redemption. His presence in Hommlet adds a layer of intrigue and potential conflict, as he navigates his quest for knowledge amidst the dangers that surround him.
"The secrets of the arcane are buried in ancient dungeons; we need only the courage to unearth them."
Spugnoir is a 2st-level spell caster
  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 4
  • STR 11 DEX 15 CON 14 INT 15 WIS 11 CHA 7
  • Languages: common, elven
  • Weapons: Dagger 1d4 damage
  • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, sleep, read magic
  • Other spells in spellbook: feather fall
Personal Possessions
  • Funds: 7 silver pieces, 9 gold pieces, 11 platinum pieces, and three zircons (valued at 50 gp each).
  • Hidden Wealth: The coins are in his wallet, while the gems are secreted in the hem of his cloak.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
553 23 Years old
Stalmaer, Furyondy
unassuming appearance
long curly brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Knowledge is the greatest treasure, and I am its eternal seeker."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Spugnois by 3orcs


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