Stratis Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Law's Crusader, Bane of Chaos Incarnate

Stratus god of Inquisition, Law, and War

Warrior of the Eternal Battlefield

Within the pantheon of deities venerated across the realms, few figures command the respect and awe reserved for Stratis, the God of War. Known for his prowess in battle and his morally neutral stance, Stratis's legends resonate with the echoes of clashing steel and the cries of the valiant.

History: The Eternal Warrior

From the annals of divinity, the story of Stratis emerges, a saga woven with the threads of countless battles. Born to Stern Alia, he was the youngest sibling among gods known for their might and conviction, like Heironeous and Hextor.
  • A Divine Prodigy: Growing up in the martial plains of Ysgard, Stratis honed his skills amidst eternal conflict, his destiny intertwined with the art of war.
  • The Demon War: Stratis's legend found its zenith during the Demon War, where his valor shone brightest against the draconic minions of Tiamat.
  • Narration: In a time when the heavens themselves trembled at the might of Tiamat's legions, Stratis, armed with purpose and steel, ventured into the forges of Nidavellir, seeking a weapon to turn the tide.

Lore: Between Divinity and Mortality

Stratis's lore is a testament to his unique place amongst gods and mortals alike, a bridge between divine realms and the battlefields of the Material Plane.
  • The Blood of Battle: Stratis thrived in the heat of combat, seeking out wars to stoke the flames of his existence.
  • The Young Races: Initially revered by mortals for his involvement in their wars, Stratis's unending thirst for conflict eventually led many to question their allegiance.
  • Narration: As centuries of war piled one upon the other, the initial reverence held by mortals began to wane, turning into whispers of dissent and cries for peace.

Realm: The Unknown Battlegrounds

Though much of Stratis's divine realm remains shrouded in mystery, it is known that he preferred the mortal coil of the Material Plane, engaging in its countless wars.
  • Ysgard: His youth was spent in the warrior's paradise of Ysgard, a realm of endless conflict that shaped his essence.
  • Material Plane Wanderings: Stratis roamed the Material Plane, drawn to the spectacle of war among the mortals.
  • Narration: Across the Material Plane, in every echo of war's call, Stratis found his sanctuary, his presence an omen of battles grand and devastating.

Physical Characteristics: The Four-Armed Warrior

Stratis's visage is that of a formidable warrior, embodying the ideal of martial prowess.
  • Handsome Warrior: With a countenance both noble and fierce, Stratis inspired both awe and admiration.
  • Four Arms of War: Each arm, a testament to his unparalleled skill in battle, wielding weapons that spelled doom for his foes.
  • Narration: On the battlefield, Stratis was a tempest, his four arms a blur of steel and death, a sight both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Relationships: A Divine Lineage

The familial ties of Stratis place him among a pantheon of powerful deities, each shaping the cosmos in their own right.
  • Stern Alia: As the son of Stern Alia, Stratis's lineage is steeped in divine power and martial legacy.
  • Sibling Rivalry: His relationships with Heironeous and Hextor are complex, marked by both familial bond and ideological divide.
  • Narration: In the grand tapestry of divine relations, Stratis's thread weaves through conflict and camaraderie, his essence forever linked to his celestial kin.

Dogma: The Art of War

Stratis's dogma celebrates the multifaceted nature of war, acknowledging its necessity and the virtues it can foster.
  • War in All Forms: He championed the strategy, valor, and chaos inherent in warfare.
  • The Thrill of Battle: For Stratis, the essence of existence was found in the clash of armies and the strife of combat.
  • Narration: To follow Stratis was to embrace the storm of war, to find honor in the clash of steel and purpose in the heat of battle.

Worshipers: The Followers of the War God

Though Stratis's clergy were few in the earliest days, his worshipers were fervent in their devotion, drawn from the ranks of those who found solace and purpose in warfare.
  • Western Oerik: His worship was most prevalent in Western Oerik, where his tales of valor and might were legend.
  • The Call of Battle: Warriors and strategists alike sought his favor, hoping to embody his martial excellence.
  • Narration: In the hearts of his followers, Stratis's spirit blazed like an undying flame, guiding them through the tumult of war and the silence of peace.

Temples: Sanctuaries of Strife

The temples dedicated to Stratis were not mere places of worship but fortresses that echoed his martial spirit.
  • Fortified Sanctuaries: Each temple stood as a bastion of strength, its architecture a homage to the art of war.
  • Altars of Weaponry: Within their walls, weapons and armor were revered as sacred relics, each piece a testament to Stratis's legacy.
  • Narration: To step into a temple of Stratis was to feel the pulse of battle coursing through the stone, a constant reminder of the god's omnipresence on the battlefield.

Artifacts and Relics: The Panoply of Stratis

The artifacts associated with Stratis are legendary, each imbued with a fraction of his divine essence and martial prowess.
  • Bonebreak: The greatclub that began his legend, lost to the mists of time.
  • The Ebon Glaive: A masterpiece of craftsmanship, born from a pact with the dwarven smith Valin, destined to slay dragons.
  • The Longsword of Stratis: Now in the hands of an enigmatic elf, its fate intertwined with the future of empires.
  • The Shield of Stratis: A gift from Stern Alia, it is a symbol of divine protection and filial piety.
  • The Spear, Axe, and Flail of Stratis: Weapons that found their way into the hands of mortals, each shaping the destiny of its wielder.
  • Narration: The Panoply of Stratis, scattered across the realms, remains a beacon to those who seek to claim the mantle of war, each artifact a chapter in the god's immortal saga.
  In the annals of deific lore, Stratis stands as a testament to the enduring nature of war and the complex beauty found within its chaos. His legacy, etched in the steel of his panoply and the valor of his followers, continues to inspire and terrify, a reminder of the divine essence that shapes the fate of worlds.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: flail 
Realm: Material Plane and formerly Ysgard 
Domains: Inquisition, Law, and War 
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Four Arms to Hold Destiny, One Heart to Brave It All"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Stratis by 3orcs


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