Stern Alia Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Stern Alia

The Shield Mother, the Mother of War

Stern Alia demigoddess of Oeridian Culture, Law, and Motherhood   In the pantheon of deities venerated across Oeridian culture, Stern Alia stands as a beacon of law, motherhood, and cultural preservation. Known affectionately as the Shield Mother, her influence extends from the celestial courts to the mortal realms, particularly within the island nation of Thalos and the troubled lands of Medegia.

History: Guardian of Thalos and Medegia

Stern Alia's legacy is deeply intertwined with the history of the Oeridian people, her divine hand guiding them through the ages.
  • Patronage of Thalos: Alia's tutelage over Thalos began when Aerdi explorers first settled its shores, blessing the nation with her protection and wisdom.
  • Influence in Medegia: Though once powerful, her church in Medegia has faced decline, battling internal strife and external pressures from rival deities.
  • Narration: As the tides of history ebbed and flowed, Stern Alia remained a steadfast guardian, her presence a comforting constant amidst the tumult of change.

Physical Characteristics: A Divine Matron

Stern Alia's visage reflects her roles as both warrior and mother, embodying strength, protection, and nurturing in equal measure.
  • Armored Maternity: Portrayed fully armed and armored, Alia radiates the protective fervor of a mother defending her kin.
  • Symbol of Duality: Her appearance as a buxom, maternal figure juxtaposed with her martial attire symbolizes the dual aspects of nurture and discipline she represents.
  • Narration: In every depiction, Stern Alia embodies the ultimate protector, her arms open in welcome and her gaze alight with the fires of a warrior's resolve.

Realm: A Celestial Advocate

Though Stern Alia's divine realm is not explicitly defined, her presence is felt most strongly in the realms she protects and guides.
  • Travels Across Realms: Like the winds of change, Stern Alia traverses the celestial and mortal planes, ensuring the law's sanctity and her children's welfare.
  • Abode in the Hearts of the Faithful: While her physical domain may be elusive, her essence resides within the communities she shepherds, particularly in Thalos.
  • Narration: Stern Alia's realm is not a place but a promise—a vow of protection and guidance to those who uphold her ideals of law and nurture.

Relationships: A Divine Matriarch

The complex web of divine relationships underscores Stern Alia's role within the Oeridian pantheon and her influence on its myths and legends.
  • Mother of Gods: Her children, including Heironeous, Hextor, and the ill-fated Stratis, showcase her diverse progeny's impact on the world and the divine.
  • A Sister's Rivalry: Her contentious relationship with Telchur and affiliations with other deities highlight the dynamic interplay between celestial entities.
  • Narration: Stern Alia's familial bonds weave through the tapestry of divine lore, her love and disputes alike shaping the destinies of gods and mortals.

Worshipers: The Shield Mother's Flock

Her followers span the spectrum of Oeridian society, finding solace and strength in her teachings.
  • Protectors of the Law: In regions where her influence remains strong, Stern Alia's worshipers champion the causes of justice and order.
  • Harbingers of Cultural Preservation: Devotees see in Stern Alia not just a deity but a symbol of their enduring heritage and traditions.
  • Narration: To her followers, Stern Alia is more than divinity; she is the embodiment of their highest ideals—justice, protection, and the continuity of their way of life.

Clergy and Paladins: The Armored Heart

Stern Alia's clerical order and her paladins serve as her mortal instruments, embodying her principles through action and devotion.
  • Militant Clergy: Her clerics, beyond their spiritual duties, organize and lead local militias, standing as bulwarks against chaos and disorder.
  • Questing Paladins: The paladins under her aegis embark on sacred quests, like the recovery of the Shield of Stratis, demonstrating their unwavering faith and courage.
  • Narration: Clad in armor both literal and spiritual, Stern Alia's clergy and paladins march forward, their every step a testament to their goddess's will.

Temples: Bastions of the Correct and Unalterable Way

The temples dedicated to Stern Alia are not just places of worship but fortresses of law and order.
  • Pontylver's Fall: The tale of the Temple of the Correct and Unalterable Way serves as a cautionary legend of hubris and divine retribution.
  • Sanctuaries of Law: Despite past missteps, her temples stand resilient, eternal beacons of her enduring principles.
  • Narration: In the shadow of towering statues and beneath the banners of law, the temples of Stern Alia remain steadfast, echoing with the prayers of the faithful and the unyielding spirit of their goddess.

Myths and Legends: The Divine Lawgiver

The mythology surrounding Stern Alia enriches the Oeridian cultural tapestry, her divine interventions pivotal to the pantheon's drama and the mortal realm's fate.
  • The Gift of Meersalm: Her blessing upon Heironeous , a coat of invulnerability, marks a moment of divine favoritism that would forever alter the balance between her sons.
  • The Saga of Savnok: A tale of temptation, betrayal, and redemption, this myth underscores the complex dynamics of divine and mortal interaction, revealing Stern Alia's unyielding commitment to her principles.
  • Narration: Through myths and legends, Stern Alia's influence weaves a narrative of divine justice, maternal wisdom, and the immutable law, her stories a legacy that endures across the ages.
  In Stern Alia, the Oeridian people find a symbol of their deepest values and aspirations. As the Shield Mother, she encompasses the complexities of law, culture, and motherhood, her divine essence inseparable from the fabric of their society. Through her children, her clergy, and her worshipers, Stern Alia's impact resonates, a guiding light for those who seek justice, order, and protection under her watchful gaze.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: an Oeridian woman's face 
Realm: Acheron 
Domains: Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Protection 
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: +1 to hit with any one allowed weapon
Divine Classification
Lawful neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"From the Mother's Shield, Courage; In Her Arms, Refuge"
"By the Light of Stern Alia, Pathways to Righteousness Illumined"
Stern Alia holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Stern Alia by 3orcs


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