The Lords of the Golden Hills Myth in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Lords of the Golden Hills

A Chronicle of the Gnome Pantheon

Gemstones of Divinity
The gnome pantheon, presided over by the exuberant Garl Glittergold, stands as a testament to the vibrancy, resilience, and ingenuity of the gnome race. Known collectively as the Lords of the Golden Hills, these deities embody the multifaceted aspects of gnome life, ranging from invention and trickery to protection and the beauty of the natural world. This essay delves into the history and attributes of these divine figures, shedding light on their influence over their earthly followers.
Origins Unearthed
Delve into the ancient legends that speak of the gnomish gods' mystical births, where the forces of the earth itself conspired to sculpt the divine from precious ores and waters.
  • Subterranean Genesis: The mythic belief that gnomish deities originated as gemstones, gradually liberated by the natural processes of the world.
  • Earth's Embrace: This origin story underscores the deep connection between gnomes and the earth, hinting at their intrinsic value and the natural magic that courses through their veins.
The Gnomes' Dawn
A Spark of Life Explore the enchanting narrative of Garl Glittergold's discovery of the first gnomes, a tale of curiosity, magic, and the birth of a race imbued with the spirit of laughter and ingenuity.
  • The Cave of Creation: Garl's magical journey into a hidden cavern reveals a treasure trove of gems that, with a breath of divine whimsy, become the first gnomes.
  • The Birth of Faerie Folk: A whimsical twist to the tale suggests that not all gems took gnome form; some ascended as faerie beings, adding a layer of magic to the world's tapestry.

The Beacon of Mirth: Garl Glittergold

The Gleaming God
  • Patron of Gnomish Wit: Garl Glittergold  represents the pinnacle of humor and intelligence among the gnome gods, fostering innovation and protecting his people with cleverness and unexpected pranks.
Divine Deeds and Legendary Laughs
  • Architect of the Gnome Race: Garl's legendary antics are said to have shaped the gnome spirit, imbuing them with an innate sense of curiosity and joy.

The Veil of Shadows: Baravar Cloakshadow

The Guardian of Secrecy
  • Mastery Over Illusion: Baravar Cloakshadow's domain encompasses protection through deception, illustrating a darker yet essential aspect of gnomish life—survival in a world of larger foes.

Alliances and Antagonisms

  • Complex Relationships: While Baravar aligns with the Seldarine, his methods often clash with the more straightforward deities like Gaerdal Ironhand, showcasing the pantheon's diverse approaches to safeguarding gnomekind.

The Hearth of Home: Baervan Wildwanderer

Nature's Wanderer
  • Patron of Forests and Travel: Baervan Wildwanderer's gentle nature and love for the wilds guide gnomes to live harmoniously within the natural world, fostering connections with forest creatures.
Divine Fellowship
  • Friendships Beyond Boundaries: Baervan's alliances extend outside the gnome pantheon, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings who cherish the natural world.

The Forger of Strength: Flandal Steelskin

The Smith of the Gods
  • Craftsmanship and Creation: Flandal Steelskin embodies the artistry and durability of metalwork, reflecting the gnomish affinity for forging and invention.
Anvil of Allies
  • Unity with Moradin: Flandal's friendship with the dwarven deity Moradin highlights the shared values of craftsmanship between gnomes and dwarves, uniting them in mutual respect and collaboration.

The Blossom of Beauty: Hanali Celanil

The Essence of Love
  • Beacon of Romance and Aesthetics: Hanali Celanil nurtures the softer side of gnome life, emphasizing love, beauty, and the arts as vital components of a fulfilled existence.
Cosmic Connections
  • Alliances of Affection: Hanali's bonds with deities across various pantheons underscore the universal nature of love and beauty, transcending racial and cultural barriers.


A Pantheon of Diversity The Lords of the Golden Hills represent the rich tapestry of gnome culture, from the depths of the earth to the heights of the skies. Each deity plays a crucial role in guiding their followers through life's trials and triumphs, ensuring that the gnome race continues to thrive across the realms. Through their divine guidance, gnomes embody resilience, creativity, and a boundless spirit of adventure, securing their place as one of the most beloved and enduring races in the world of Greyhawk.
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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