W5 The River’s Edge Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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W5 The River’s Edge

A Historic Storefront for All Your Adventuring Needs
The River’s Edge is a staple in the heart of the wharfs and docks of the Waterfront District. This general store offers a wide range of essential goods for adventurers and travelers alike. Recently renovated to resemble a wooden fort, it stands as a testament to its longstanding presence in Verbobonc.

A Historic Trading Post Turned General Store

Located on the north side of the Velverdyva River, across the great bridge in the bustling Waterfront District, The River’s Edge is packed tight with an assortment of general goods. The recent renovations have transformed it to look like a wooden fort, complete with a small wooden palisade surrounding the store.
Key Features
  • Wooden Fort Aesthetic: The store’s exterior has been redesigned to resemble an old fort, adding a rustic charm and historical touch.
  • Assortment of Goods: From torches and candles to dry firewood, the store is well-stocked with basic adventuring gear and dry goods.


From River Trading Post to General Store
The River’s Edge started as one of the first general stores in the area, serving the needs of river traders and adventurers. Over time, it has evolved to meet the demands of a growing city while retaining its historic roots.
Historical Highlights
  • Founding: Originally established as a trading post for river merchants.
  • Evolution: Transformed into a general store catering to the needs of both locals and travelers.

Economic Impact

Supporting Adventurers and Travelers
The River’s Edge plays a crucial role in the local economy by providing essential goods to adventurers, sailors, and merchants. Its strategic location near the docks makes it a convenient stop for those preparing for their journeys.
Key Economic Activities
  • Sale of General Goods: Offers a wide range of adventuring gear and dry goods.
  • Renovations: Recent renovations have revitalized the store, attracting more customers.
Goods and Services
  • Adventuring Gear: Basic items from the Player’s Handbook, such as torches, candles, and dry firewood.
  • Dry Goods: Essential supplies for long journeys.
  • Pricing: All goods are priced at average market rates.

Sociopolitical Fabric

Interconnected with the Community
The store’s owner and its operations are closely tied to the social and political landscape of Verbobonc, particularly within the Waterfront District.
Key Relationships
  • Local Merchants: Works closely with other merchants in the Waterfront District to ensure a steady supply of goods.
  • Adventurers: A go-to spot for adventurers preparing for their quests.

Political Influence

Navigating the Waters of Verbobonc Politics
The River’s Edge, while primarily a commercial establishment, also has a role in the local political landscape due to its strategic location and the influence of its owner.
Key Activities
  • Collaboration with Harbormaster: Andros frequently liaises with the W2 Office of Harbormaster to stay updated on river trade and regulations.
  • Influence in the Business Quarter: The store’s success and Andros’s reputation give him a voice in local merchant associations.

Secrets and Intrigue

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The store’s history and Andros’s past as a river trader make it a focal point for local lore and adventure hooks.
Key Secrets
  • Andros’s Pirate Encounters: His scars and stories from pirate encounters add a layer of mystery and intrigue.
  • Hidden Passages: Rumors suggest there might be hidden passages in the store leading to old smuggling routes.
The River’s Edge stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of trade and adventure in Verbobonc, offering essential supplies and a touch of history to all who pass through its doors.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
The River’s Edge shop by 3orcs
"You can’t sail far without the right gear. Step inside and be prepared!"

Key Figures in The River’s Edge

Store Owner: Andros Kalymnos
  • Description: A middle-aged Oeridian man with scars from fighting pirates, Andros has a rugged appearance that reflects his adventurous past.
  • Background: Once a river trader on the Velverdyva River, Andros retired from the dangerous life of trading to run The River’s Edge.
  • Personality: Tough, resilient, and resourceful. Andros is known for his no-nonsense attitude and deep knowledge of the river’s perils.
  • Motivation: To provide essential goods to adventurers and travelers while maintaining a successful business.
  • With Local Merchants: Andros has strong ties with other shop owners and merchants in the Waterfront District, ensuring a network of support and trade.
  • With Adventurers: Known for his valuable advice and quality goods, Andros is well-respected among the adventuring community.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Andros Kalymnos by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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