W7 Electrum Eel inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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W7 Electrum Eel inn

Located near the docks, this inn has large blue lanterns (Continual Flame) hanging from the front balconies, so sailors can find their way even when the fog rolls off the river. Plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the darkened windows, but the laughter from within can be felt outside.   As you enter the tavern through the heavy, wooden door, you're welcomed by laughing voices and a pleasant atmosphere. The bartender is swamped in work, but still manages to welcome you with a wave. The large entry/waiting rooms are filled with river memorabilia, including large stuffed fish on the mantles, ship’s rigging hanging from the ceiling, and nautical charts on the walls. The upper, river facing rooms have a beautiful view of the Velverdyva River from the balconies.   The tavern itself is packed. Sailors and adventurers seem to be the primary clientele here, which often indicates great food. Several long tables are occupied by, what looks like couples, lone travelers and anybody else who enjoys great company. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are singing and dancing, occasionally pulling an unsuspecting waitress amidst their dancing group. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

A Beacon for Sailors and Adventurers

The Electrum Eel Inn, located in the heart of the Waterfront District near the docks, is a vibrant and lively establishment popular with sailors and adventurers. Known for its welcoming atmosphere and strategic location, it features unique blue lanterns and a variety of nautical decorations, making it a beacon for weary travelers along the Velverdyva River.

A Nautical Haven

  Near the docks, the Electrum Eel Inn is easily recognizable by its large blue lanterns (Continual Flame) hanging from the front balconies, which guide sailors even through thick fog. The building's exterior features plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings, with darkened windows that offer a glimpse of the lively interior filled with laughter and merriment.
Key Features
  • Blue Lanterns: Magical continual flame lanterns providing constant light.
  • Decorative Exterior: Plastered walls with intricate wooden carvings.
  • Lively Atmosphere: Sounds of laughter and music can be felt from outside.
Entering the inn through a heavy wooden door, guests are greeted by the sounds of laughter and a pleasant atmosphere. The large entry/waiting rooms are decorated with river memorabilia, including stuffed fish, ship’s rigging, and nautical charts. The upper river-facing rooms offer beautiful views of the Velverdyva River from their balconies.

Origins and Growth

The Electrum Eel Inn has a rich history, growing from a small riverside tavern to a bustling inn popular with sailors and adventurers. Its strategic location near the docks has made it a central hub for those traveling by river.
Key Historical Points
  • Early Days: Started as a small tavern serving local fishermen.
  • Expansion: Grew into a large 25-room inn catering to a diverse clientele.
  • Renovations: Recently renovated to enhance its nautical theme and improve guest accommodations.

A Hub for Trade and Socialization

The Electrum Eel Inn plays a significant role in the economic and social life of the Waterfront District. It serves as a gathering place for sailors, adventurers, and even local escorts, contributing to the lively atmosphere of the area.
Key Economic Activities
  • Lodging: Provides accommodation for sailors and adventurers.
  • Social Hub: Acts as a social gathering place, contributing to the local economy.
  • Employment: Provides jobs for inn staff and attracts business for local merchants.

Political Influence

The inn’s location and clientele make it a significant player in the politics of Verbobonc, especially regarding its relationships with the Thieves Guild and the Vigil Wardens.
Key Political Relationships
  • Verbobonc Thieves Guild: The inn's lively atmosphere and diverse clientele provide a cover for discreet dealings and information gathering for The Battirovka Family.
  • Vigil Wardens: The inn maintains a cautious relationship with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, ensuring that any illicit activities do not draw unwanted attention.
The Electrum Eel Inn stands as a cornerstone of the Waterfront District, offering a welcoming and lively environment for sailors, adventurers, and locals alike. Its rich history, vibrant atmosphere, and strategic political connections make it a significant player in the economic and social life of Verbobonc.

Inn rooms

The floorboards creak underfoot though you’ve barely shifted your weight. A long, narrow hall extends before you, flanked by doors to rooms on either side. The only light comes up from the stairs and a guttering candle that stands in a tin holder nailed to the wall at the end of the hall.   A surprisingly large bed takes up most of the floorspace in this small room. The rustic frame uses a wicker net to hold a thin straw-filled mattress off the floor. It doesn’t look comfortable, but it seems clean enough. A shallow clay bowl under the bed serves as your pot to piss in.


All the private rooms are Average priced, but include a pint of ale from the taproom.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Elevtrum Eel by 3orcs
"Step inside for a pint, a tale, and the best view of the Velverdyva River!"

Innkeeper and Serving Girl

Innkeeper: Demetrios Kalophis
  • Description: Middle-aged Oeridian Oerid man with a rugged appearance, dark hair, and piercing eyes.
  • Personality: Stern but fair, with a keen eye for trouble and a deep respect for sailors.
  • Background: Former sailor who settled in Verbobonc to run the inn. Has extensive knowledge of river trade and navigation.
  • Motivation: To provide a safe and welcoming place for travelers while maintaining a profitable business.
  • Politics: Maintains discreet connections with the Thieves Guild The Battirovka Family for protection and information. Keeps a cordial relationship with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc to avoid conflicts.
Serving Girl: Eleni Marinakis
  • Description: Young Oeridian Oerid woman with a friendly demeanor, dark hair, and warm brown eyes.
  • Personality: Cheerful and hardworking, with a knack for making guests feel at home.
  • Background: Grew up in Verbobonc and started working at the inn to support her family.
  • Motivation: To earn enough money to help her family and eventually open her own business.
  • Politics: Unaware of the inn’s deeper connections, but friendly with all guests, including members of the Thieves Guild The Battirovka Family and Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc.
Poor Meals Poor Meals
Common meals Common Meals
Parent Location
Demetrios Kalophis by 3orcs

Goods and Services

Accommodations and Amenities
The Electrum Eel Inn offers a variety of services to meet the needs of its diverse clientele.
Key Services
  • Rooms: 25 rooms available, with upper rooms offering river views.
  • Dining: The tavern serves hearty meals and a wide selection of ales.
  • Entertainment: Frequent live music and dancing create a lively atmosphere.
  • Private Rooms: Average priced, including a pint of ale from the taproom.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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