W8 Veera's Voluptuous Maidens tavern Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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W8 Veera's Voluptuous Maidens tavern

Located in the bustling heart of the Waterfront District, Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern is renowned for its lively atmosphere, beautiful staff, and occasional brawls. This multi-storied tavern is a favorite among sailors and adventurers, offering a blend of entertainment, good drinks, and a touch of danger.

A Place of Revels and Escape

Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern is a multi-storied festhall with overhanging balconies that provide a view of the lively street below. The tavern’s large common room features a corner bar, with walls adorned by large beer kegs and wine racks. The cellars are extensive and include a secret underground passageway that leads to the waterfront, offering a discreet escape route for patrons needing to make a quick getaway.
Key Features
  • Overhanging Balconies: Provide a scenic view of the bustling street.
  • Large Common Room: Filled with long tables, a corner bar, and decorative kegs and wine racks.
  • Extensive Cellars: Used for ale storage and clanstien meetings.

Origins and Growth

Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern has a storied past, growing from a modest pub to a grand festhall known for its wild parties and skilled staff. Its proximity to the docks has made it a popular spot for sailors looking for entertainment and respite.
Key Historical Points
  • Early Days: Started as a small pub catering to dockworkers and sailors.
  • Expansion: Grew into a multi-storied festhall with extensive cellars and secret passageways.
  • Reputation: Known for its rowdy atmosphere and beautiful, skilled staff.

A Hub for Entertainment and Trade

Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern plays a significant role in the economic and social life of the Waterfront District. It draws a diverse crowd, including sailors, adventurers, and merchants, contributing to the local economy and creating a vibrant social scene.
Key Economic Activities
  • Entertainment: Offers music, dancing, and occasional brawls for the entertainment of patrons.
  • Social Hub: Acts as a gathering place, fostering social interactions and connections.
  • Employment: Provides jobs for the bar staff and entertainers.

Political Influence

The tavern’s strategic location and diverse clientele make it a significant player in the local political landscape, particularly concerning its relationships with the Thieves Guild and the Vigil Wardens.
Key Political Relationships

Goods and Services

Drinks and Entertainment
Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern offers a variety of drinks and entertainment options to keep patrons coming back.
Key Services
  • Drinks: High-quality wines and beers at average prices.
  • Food: Minimal and salty, complementing the drink selection.
  • Entertainment: Live music, dancing, and occasional brawls for excitement.
  • Drinks: Average prices for wines and beers.
  • Food: Limited menu, primarily salty snacks.
Secret Access Tunnel and the Thieves Guild
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A Hidden Passageway of Opportunity
Beneath Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern lies a secret access tunnel that connects the tavern's cellar to the waterfront. This passageway is a crucial element in the tavern's operations and serves as a significant source of income for Marcus Veera.
Tunnel Features
  • Discreet Exit: Provides a hidden route for patrons needing a quick escape to the docks.
  • Safe Passage: Ensures safe transit for members of the Thieves Guild and other discreet patrons.
Economic Impact
Marcus Veera makes a considerable profit from the use of this tunnel, charging hefty fees for its access. This arrangement allows him to maintain the tavern’s operations without asking questions about the nature of the activities passing through.
Key Points
  • High Fees: Marcus charges a premium for the use of the tunnel.
  • No Questions Asked: Maintains a policy of discretion regarding the tunnel’s users.
  • Guild Connections: Strengthens ties with The Battirovka Family by providing them with a safe exit route.


Veera's Voluptuous Maidens Tavern stands as a cornerstone of the Waterfront District, offering a lively and welcoming environment for sailors, adventurers, and locals alike. Its rich history, vibrant atmosphere, and strategic political connections make it a significant player in the economic and social life of Verbobonc.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Marcus Veera of Veera's Voluptuous Maidens by 3orcs
"Here at Veera's, the ale flows as freely as the laughter!"
Bartender/Owner and Serving Girls
Bartender/Owner: Marcus Veera
  • Description: A tall, rugged Oeridian Oerid male with a commanding presence, dark hair, and piercing blue eyes.
  • Personality: Charismatic, shrewd, and authoritative, Marcus runs the tavern with a firm hand.
Serving Girls
  • Description: A strikingly beautiful Oeridian Oerid woman with long, flowing red hair and emerald green eyes.
  • Personality: Friendly, flirtatious, and quick-witted, known for her ability to handle rowdy patrons with ease.
  • Background: Grew up in Verbobonc, working at the tavern to support her family.
  • Motivation: To provide for her family and save money for her own business.
  • Description: Petite Baklunish Bakluni with dark, curly hair and bright blue eyes, known for her agility and quick reflexes.
  • Personality: Quiet but observant, often handling difficult situations with calm efficiency.
  • Background: Trained in self-defense, she joined the tavern staff for steady work.
  • Motivation: To use her earnings to further her martial arts training.
  • Description: Tall and athletic Suloise Suel, with blonde hair and hazel eyes, exuding confidence and strength.
  • Personality: Bold, outgoing, and protective of her fellow staff members.
  • Background: Former mercenary who chose a less dangerous line of work.
  • Motivation: To ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for patrons and staff alike.
  Poor Meals
Poor Meals
Common meals
Common Meals
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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Cover image: by 3orcs


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