Xan Yae Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Xan Yae

Xan Yae goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power
Lady of Perfection, the Perfect Mistress, Supreme Mistress of Petals   In the vast pantheon of deities, few shine as mysteriously as Xan Yae, the Baklunish goddess of Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power. Known as "The Perfect Mistress" among her adherents, Xan Yae commands the reverence of those who seek harmony in the unseen and mastery over their own minds and bodies. This extensive article delves into the lore, worship, and influence of this enigmatic deity.  

Divine Grace in Shadows

  • Form: Xan Yae appears as a Baklunish human of any age or sex, embodying the grace and versatility of her domains.
  • Attire and Armament: She is often depicted in cloths of dove gray, dusty rose, or golden orange, wielding magical falchions that she can conceal at will.

Ethereal Bonds

  • Allies: Xan Yae enjoys a close alliance with Zuoken, the demigod, the Cat Lord, Rexfelis, and Kurell.
  • Adversaries: She stands opposed to Pholtus and Pyremius, deities whose doctrines clash with her teachings of balance and shadow.

Sanctuary of Will

The Realm
The Tower of Iron Will serves as Xan Yae's stronghold within the Concordant Domain of the Outlands, a neutral plane that hosts souls after death and serves as a diplomatic ground among the deities.

The Unseen Path

  • The Universal Mind: The belief in a singular, creative force that sustains the universe.
  • Perpetual Harmony: The pursuit of balance and symmetry in all things.
  • Internal Peace: The combination of mental and martial disciplines to achieve a higher state of being.

Followers of the Twilight

  • D'ai Shaton: The priests dedicated to Xan Yae, from diverse backgrounds including monks, thieves, and those who cherish twilight.
  • Way of the Lotus: A widespread practice among her worshippers, emphasizing the teachings of balance and harmony.

Guardians of Balance

The D'ai Shaton, clerics of Xan Yae, stand as paragons of the doctrine of equilibrium and mental fortitude that their deity espouses. These clerics, agents of harmony and discipline, navigate the complexities of the world with a singular purpose: to bring about balance. Their mission transcends the mere dissemination of Xan Yae's teachings; they engage actively in the rectification of imbalances, whether they manifest in the form of radical ideologies, political upheavals, or discordant alignments within the tapestry of the cosmos.
  • Attire: Cloaks of gray and falchions symbolize their commitment to Xan Yae's teachings.
  • Mission: To bring extreme factions toward balance and train others in the disciplines of war and mind.
Harmonizers of the World
  • Seekers of Balance: The D'ai Shaton tirelessly work to moderate extreme factions, guiding them back to a central harmony.
  • Mentors of War and Wisdom: They impart knowledge of the martial arts, not as tools of conquest but as disciplines of self-betterment and control. Concurrently, they challenge the intellect, honing the minds of those willing to embrace the mental rigors necessary for inner peace.
  • Pilgrims of the Universal Mind: These clerics scour the realms in search of manifestations of the Universal Mind, gathering proof of the metaphysical principle that all existence is birthed and sustained by a singular, omnipotent consciousness.
  • Disciples of Mastery: In their quest for self-elevation, they seek out masters of physical and mental prowess, learning to transcend their limitations and achieve a sublime state of being.
Active Pursuit of Change
Far from adopting a passive stance in the face of the world's tumult, the D'ai Shaton are dynamic forces for change. Their interventions are calculated and precise, aimed at steadying the scales that waver under the weight of universal imbalances. They are the custodians of the twilight, the moment of perfect equilibrium, which encapsulates the essence of their divine charge.
The Sanctity of Dusk
Dusk, the hour when light and darkness merge into transient harmony, holds sacred significance for the clerics of Xan Yae. It is during this hallowed time that they perform their rituals, their voices ascending in prayers for guidance, strength, and the fortitude to carry out their divine mandate. This hour of twilight symbolizes the ultimate balance they strive to achieve, both within themselves and in the world at large.

Sanctuaries of Shadows

  • Secluded Sanctuaries: Temples and monasteries are often hidden, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.
  • Twilight Monastery: A notable monastery that exemplifies Xan Yae's teachings, located near Diamond Lake in the Cairn Hills.

Dusk Rites

  • Twilight Ceremonies: All religious practices are performed during twilight, highlighting the balance between day and night.
  • Holy Days: The Autumnal Equinox and the Day of the Legion Will are significant, focusing on balance and collective meditation.


Xan Yae, through her enigmatic presence and teachings, offers a path to those who walk in the twilight, seeking the unseen harmony that binds the world. Her followers, embracing the disciplines of body and mind, strive toward balance in a world teeming with light and shadow. In the teachings of Xan Yae, one finds not just a deity, but a philosophy that seeks to transcend the dichotomies of existence, finding peace and power in the delicate balance of twilight.
  Baklunish Pantheon
Holy symbol: black lotus blossom 
Realm: Outlands 
Domains: Celerity, Knowledge, Trickery, War 
Speciality Clerics
  • Cleric of the 1st Palm: AC 10, move 13", d2 open hand
  • Cleric of the 4th Palm: AC 9, move 14", d3 open hand, speak with animals at will
  • Cleric of the 7th Palm: AC 8, move 15", d4 open hand, mask the mind as monk -3 levels
  • Cleric of the 10th Palm: AC 7, move 16", d6 open hand, immune to diseases, haste, and slow
  • Cleric of the 13th Palm: AC 6, move 17", d6+1 open hand, feign death as monk -7 levels 
  • Cleric of the 17th Palm: AC 5, move 18", 2d4 open hand, resist beguiling, charms, hypnosis, and suggestion as monk -8 levels
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the balance of twilight, find the truth that lies unseen."
"Harmony within, harmony without; such is the path to true power."
Xan Yae holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Xan Yae by 3orcs


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