Pholtus Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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of the Blinding Light

Pholtus, god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, and Moons

Keeper of the One True Way

Pholtus, the Oeridian god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, the Sun, and the Moons, presides over the domains that embody the principles of unwavering faith and the illumination of the true path. His followers of the One True Way church of pholtus, known for their steadfast devotion and rigid adherence to law, play pivotal roles in shaping the societies where they wield influence.


Pholtus is a figure of pure devotion, his appearance as radiant as the ideals he upholds.
  • Divine Visage: A tall, slender man with flowing white hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes that burn with fervor.
  • Celestial Attire: Adorned in white gowns trimmed with gold and silver, embroidered with symbols of the sun and moons, reflecting his dominion over celestial bodies.


Pholtus's divine domain exemplifies the precision and order he represents.
  • The Path of Law: Originally situated in the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, Pholtus's realm aligns with the relentless order and precision of this plane. Some sources suggest a relocation to Mount Celestia, emphasizing his connection to the forces of good.


Pholtus's interactions with other deities highlight his uncompromising nature.
  • Divine Rivalries: His tense relationship with St. Cuthbert and disdain for the Oeridian wind deities (Atroa, Sotillion, Telchur, Wenta) underscore his intolerance for deviations from his strict doctrines.
  • Alliances: Despite his often rigid stance, Pholtus finds allies in Heironeous and Pelor, gods whose principles align closely with his own.
  • Opposition: He is opposed by Trithereon and Xan Yae. Clerics of @noreparticularly enjoy bothering his followers.


Pholtus's teachings offer a path that promises righteousness but demands unwavering adherence.
  • The One True Way: Pholtus advocates for a strict path that brooks no deviation, assuring followers of its righteousness but demanding total conformity to its tenets.


Pholtus's followers are as diverse as the lands they inhabit, yet united in their devotion to his teachings.
  • Devoted Pholtans: From the zealous theocracies of the Pale and Dimre to the more moderated faith communities in Nyrond and the Shield Lands, Pholtans uphold the sanctity of light, law, and order.
  • The Church's Role: Acting as the state religion in the Theocracy of the Pale, Pholtus's church exerts considerable influence, often coming into conflict with other faiths over doctrinal differences.
Clerical Duties and Expectations
Regardless of rank, clerics of Pholtus are expected to uphold the rigid doctrines of their faith, promoting law, order, and the light of Pholtus above all. They are tasked with combating darkness, both literal and metaphorical, and enforcing the laws of Pholtus's teachings within their communities. Their dedication to Pholtus's cause is unwavering, and they are prepared to face persecution and adversity in the name of their god.
  • Urban Guardians: Pholtus's clerics serve as the moral and legal arbiters in society, embodying his principles in their roles as lawyers, judges, and preachers.
  • Keepers of Light: Their commitment to never being without light symbolizes their dedication to illuminating the true path for all.


The paladins of Pholtus are the militant arm of his church, crusading against darkness, chaos, and evil.
  • Templars and Inquisitors: These holy warriors prioritize faithfulness to Pholtus over all else, seeking to eradicate any threats to his One True Way with a zeal that borders on fanaticism.
  • Knights Templar and Lords of the Gloaming: Among the most zealous of Pholtus's followers, these groups exemplify his commitment to purging chaos and darkness from the world.

Temples and Rituals

The worship of Pholtus is characterized by ceremonies that celebrate light and the relentless pursuit of law and order.
  • Sanctuaries of Light: Temples dedicated to Pholtus are bastions of white, filled with the bright glow of countless candles, where congregations gather to chant anthems of devotion and listen to sermons of enlightenment.
  • "O Blinding Light": The anthem of Pholtus's worshippers, echoing through the halls of his temples, serves as a reminder of the illuminating path he offers to his followers.


Pholtus's uncompromising nature defines not just his relationships with other deities but also his stance against any force that seeks to undermine the order and righteousness he embodies. His enemies are those who thrive in darkness, chaos, and lawlessness, challenging the very foundations of his teachings.   In the realm of Oerth, Pholtus shines as a beacon of unwavering faith, guiding his followers along the One True Way. Through his clerics, paladins, and the structures of worship and ritual that define his church, Pholtus seeks to illuminate the path to righteousness, demanding strict adherence to his dogma as the price for the promise of ultimate order and justice.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a full moon (Luna) partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon (Celene)
Realm: Mechanus
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Inquisition, Law, Sun
Speciality Cleric Spells
  • Clerics of the 1st order: dispel darkness
  • Clerics of the 5th order: glow
  • Clerics of the 9th order: reflect
  • Clerics of the 12th order: holy word
  • Divine Classification
    intermediate god
    Lawful good (LN)
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "In the Light, the Path is Clear."
    Aligned Organization
    Pholtus holy symbol by 3orcs

    Pholtus Prayer

    • By Pholtus of the Blinding Light, Resolute of Law and Order,
    • Smithing all that is unholy,
    • Transfixing it with point and glow,
    • Elevates us with its aura,
    • Nullifies the wicked foe.
    • Demon, undead, beast and contructs,
    • Abominations it strikes down.
    • Re-anoiunt us, stalward Light,Resolute with spear and crown!

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Pholtus by 3orcs


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