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New Krindor

New Krindor is a country born from the ashes of the original Krindori people. The New Krindori were once the downtrodden survivors of the Nadir but have now rebuilt and flourished in a new environment. However, they have never been able to fully escape the traumas of their homeland's destruction. To this day the New Krindori hold the gods in very low regard and many would even tell you that they hate the gods. Thus they have created a new religion that doesn't put the glory and focus on the gods that walk the earth but instead, they put the glory into the true creator of all the gods, the one almighty God who is dispassionate and uncaring for his creations but full of indescribable power. They hold this good in high esteem knowing that one day he will come back to his creations and fix all that the current gods have destroyed. This religion is called Lucidism.


New Krindor is ruled as a theocracy where the leader is the High Regent and they along with his council of 11 Prime Regents known as the Primal are the ultimate power of the country. The Primal serves to advise the High Regent but each one also has a specific additional role such as Prime Regret of Infrastructure or Prime Regent of Military. The Prime Regents operate within their role as the final authority and are only subject to the authority of the High Regent. The Prime and High Regents are considered the highest honor in Lucidism and the position is very coveted. The public is kept unaware of how each position is chosen within the church.


The Krinodri and often be described as bitter or distant because of the generational trauma that they carry. Much of the trauma has manifested in their religion where they hold very little respect for the gods that destroyed their homeland. Their religion allows for a lot of moral freedom and because of this, the Krindori have a reputation for being vulgar. Lucidism is a religion where most things that would normally be frowned upon by other countries are seen as ok because they believe in a dispassionate God who isn't around and constantly overseeing their morals. However, this does not mean the Krindori have no rules. The Krindori both as people and in their religion take their morals very seriously it's just that various moral issues are seen by them as just unnecessary trappings of old religions that involve the gods constantly seeing all that they do.

Public Agenda

New Krindor is a country that values its religious beliefs and is very vocal with the rest of the world about how the gods of the world are not worthy of the worship that people give them. They also value their own freedom and they prefer to keep to themselves and stay away from the world unless they see an opportunity that would benefit their religious advancement.


New Krindor has a troubled history that begins with the great diaspora that followed the destruction of their homeland. after wandering the lands in search of a new home they finally settled in the shadow of the Vengai mountain range and began the rebuild their destroyed lands but they didn't just begin the rebuild what was lost. They started to rebuild with a  chip on their shoulder and with new discoveries about the gods following the Nadir, the Krindori decided to establish a new way of thinking about the world. this new way of thinking is what led to cultural innovations like Lucidism and the Dragon's Exile. Over time the religious differences lead to Istillia and New Krindor alterations that at different points in history have lead to full wars. The Krindori have also had to deal with the results of The Dreadful Pact where the orcs and dragons began to raind and burn their homeland.

"Through God we Rise"

Founding Date
961, Vorick 5th, Cycle 240 Phase 1-2
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations






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