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Lios is a country of mighty, prosperous people. Their head of government is a virtuous King, named Azarann, who has been the ruler since the countries inception in 955. He is the son of a mortal parent and Melo, the god of light making him one of the few known demigods on all of Vhon Mangir. His strong sense of morals and justice has lead to Lios's peaceful and powerful existence. King Azarann is known for going out of his way to help other countries in their struggles throughout the continent and many countries have become close allies and friends because of it.


Lios is ruled as an absolute monarchy where King Azarann Dawnseeker has the full and final say-so in all government matters. However, he is known for taking advice from his family and other close advisors. The King is also known for taking the advice from the leaders of allied nations but in the end, he makes any and all decisions. Smaller decisions are often delegated to members of his council so that the king isn't bothered with every single matter of the kingdom. Matters that concern individual cities throughout Lios are decided by whatever Dawnseeker family member is seated in that city. For example, Eri Dawnseeker is in charge of the matters of the city of Drageheim but all of her decisions are still subject to the King's discretion.


As with any country, the Lionite culture is a reflection of the King that rules them but this is doubly so for Lios. Lionites are generally known for their compassion and willingness to help others above themselves. While this is of course a vast generalization, it is still common for a lionite to go out of their way to help someone pick up something that they dropped or offer to help someone move into a new house. There is a culture of kindness among the lionites and the kingdom is all the better for it.   Lionites much like their leader are known for their physical strength. This has led to a culture that celebrates physical triumph especially on the battlefield and it has driven a fierce competitive nature among the Lionites. The average size of a Lionite is larger than that of most other peoples. Some believe it is a blessing from Melo while others believe it's simply a genetic marvel but regardless of belief it still stands that most would not want to challenge a Lionite to an arm-wrestling match.

Public Agenda

Lios is a country that is defined by looking out for the lesser man and standing with the world against the evils of the world as a bastion of virtue.


Lios was born in the new world following the cataclysmic events of The Nadir. The city was born from King Azarann's sharp increase in political popularity following the Old Krindori's fall from grace. After Lios begins its expansion to the southern sections of Velgoran, they begin to inherit the Rhayellen threat from the ruins of Adaram. for the rest of history Lios and Rhayelle trade city for city, back and forth neither one gaining any ground. In the early days of the Lionite history, they are forced to repel the violent threat of the Orcish raids and when the Orcs eventually get some help from an army of dragons, they form a pact with New Krindor and they work together to fend off the threat. After the dragon threat is fully dealt with the Lionites and King Azarann help Istillia recapture the city of Gaias from Rhayellen rule. These events solidify Istillia and New Krindor as staunch allies of Lios. It is around this time that Lios is credited with the first full circumnavigation of the continent. In the recent history of Lios, the Lionites are the first to travel the newly incorporated Vordral and they assist the Strathmorians, Novonites, and dwarves with the Infected war. Their support is monumentally instrumental in the victory over the infected. Their support also gains the friendship of all three countries.

"The Light in the Dark"

Founding Date
995, Litik 9th, Cycle 238 Phase 2-1
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Neighboring Nations







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