Known Events

Laeanna's known timeline.

  • 9000

    The Founding of Lustria

    The Brightwater family is credited with the original founding and conversion of their estate lands into the public domain and city of Lustria.

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  • 9500

    The Great Peace
    Diplomatic action

    The great peace brokered by The Seven that saved the world from extinction.

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  • 12500

    Laeanna Lightsong's Birth.
    Life, Birth

    Laeanna was born.

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    Laeanna Lightsong
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  • 12505

    1 /7

    5 /7

    The SaltCoast Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    The sacking of Swil Port by the Avalonian rebels followed by the complete destruction of the Salt Coast, thereafter known as The Blood Coast.

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  • 12507

    The slaughter of The Broken Wing
    Political event

    Estinien and Parthinaux's execution of the rogue band of dragon rider's called The Broken Wing.

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  • 12520

    Laeanna begins her travels

    Laeanna Lightsong leaves the city of Lustria to set out on her adventure.

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