Session Recap: 18-22

General Summary

Session 18: Dishonest Work

  With the heist approaching, the party gathered supplies and planed for the delicate operation to occur. Adresin Sanveen learned that the The Erias Accord would be escorting one of the two carts as they moved a powerful magical item to the city of Srenn.   The party decided to intercept the money at the source. They elected Betz to lead the way, benefited by Zin'fir's stealth magic and returning ally Kadel acting as a perimeter scout.   Betz snuck into the vault and delicately separated several boxes of gold from the rest. While the trio were waiting for a chance to leave, the Visitors attacked the second cart. Spells were thrown from the rooftops, and chaos ensued. Betz, Zin'fir and Kadel all broke away from the attack, managing to steal the money for Mooney.   The party decided to leave the city in a hurry and wait for the tension to clear. They headed north towards a number of side jobs.  

Session 19: Back to Nature

  The first stop following the escape from Aspengarde was a spider infested town south of Ekesta.   The party entered a sunken mansion and found a spider nest beneath. They fought to clear it out, eventually battling a Drider. The creature proved to be an elusive foe. Gonrey used his supporting magic to keep allies conscious, scrambling as Re'lar took hit after hit. The beast was slain after a difficult battle.  

Session 20: As the Crow Flies

  The party continued the journey to Ekesta to complete their quest for Yusorin, the strange hermit. On the way, Betz stopped the party at an Order encampment to kill another target: Pana Devandell. He snuck in, steadied his rifle and fired a clean shot to the head. Re'lar Deeplake added a fireball spell, just to be sure.   With Pana dead, the party headed to Ekesta to stock up on supplies for a difficult journey ahead. On the road to the town, Re'lar activated the Blades of Three.   They found Ekesta in a nearly ruined state. While there were survivors, many were dead. The orcs that had pursued them from Bol'drugg had attacked the village. The party dropped off the Drider's brain for Yusorin, gathered supplies from the now diseased owner of the general store, and hit the road.   Several days from civilization, they met a pair of Order scouts: Talon Zoldscar and Zemith Viceahk. The pair were friendly and invited the party to ride out the next blood moon with them at a camp several days south.   Betz snuck through the trees to spy on the pair of men in their camp. He found that they were after the same unknown map point as the party.   Several days later, Zin'fir spoke to a forest spirit in the night while keeping watch. The form of a giant green glow worm appeared and warned him about what was ahead. It told him he may be one of the last remaining Eldertide.  
  The party arrived at their destination to find a wide, rocky pit with no visible bottom. At its center was a house atop a floating rocky spire. While considering their options, they were approached by a member of the Asylum Clan. The druid took them to see Elder Lockwess. Lockwess told Zin'fir that his people had used their lands as a place to hide for years. The clan had to stop harboring them because of the dangers they brought. Lockwess showed the party a corpse below, on which a Blood Rose was growing.  

Session 21: Blood From Stone

  The party found that the roots from the blood rose went much deeper than they originally thought. As they reached deeper into the earth, they became stronger, thicker, and the faint sound of pumping blood filled the cave. It was here that they found and fought a large, fleshy red growth. The amorphous beast drew from the muscle-like walls.    Upon killing it, the party returned to the surface and were brought to the center of the chasm as promised by Lockwess. They eventually found their way in to the house, avoiding traps and spreading out to investigate. Inside were two bodies and a stone chest. It was determined that a warrior from Fort Whitefang was killed whilst protecting it, but whoever came after him did not escape with their life either.   The other body was elven and dressed simply. The chest was opened, and was found to contain a strange stone tablet. The party brought it with them as they left and began their journey back to Aspengarde.   Upon arrival at the city gates, they came under suspicion. They had a variety of magical items that they could not explain. An escort was brought out to take them to The Temple of the Satori

Session 22: These Sacred Halls

  The party walked with the escort into the city, silently pondering their next move. Eventually, they found themselves standing before Ritegrayer Moorhide. He questioned the party under a Zone of Truth. Taking special interest in the stone tablet they had just uncovered, he confiscated it and blackmailed the party into doing a task for him.    Zin'fir heard a voice in his head. One of the paladin guards was a member of the Visitors acting as a spy. He said he could get the tablet back for them, but he would have to determine how important it was to the group. Zin'fir instructed him to do so.   Ritegrayer told the party that he wanted a boy killed. The young man was a suspected magic practitioner, but was being protected due to his relation to Reena Shai'elle. The party left after tentatively agreeing to the task. As they discussed next steps, the paladin (Cordell Calaban) ran and leapt out the window with the tablet. He later regrouped with the party and returned it.   The party eventually decided the only way to truly free themselves of further blackmail was to kill Ritegrayer. After meeting with Mooney, arrangements were made for an escape while Zin'fir and Betz infiltrated the Fellglade headquarters. Inside, Betz saw another Shadar Kai amongst the crowd.  
  Re'lar Deeplake made arrangements to get passage on a ship with Salla'h PrennMoris Mooney bid the party farewell with hopes that they would one day meet and work together again.

Rewards Granted

1000 gp from Mooney Arcane Grimoire Masterwork Poleaxe Gem for Sucro's Lute Obsidian Arrow

Missions/Quests Completed

Dishonest Work - Heist Completed Spider Nest - Successfully Cleared Mysterious Map Point - Found and Explored

Character(s) interacted with

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Report Date
18 Mar 2023
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