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Catacombs of Ga-Ra-Vae

The exact location of the catacombs is difficult to pinpoint. Explorers and mapmakers know it is somewhere in the North of the Cytal desert. But whenever anyone tries to get close, the weather turns from a dry scorching heat to a raging sandstorm making it difficult to see anything. Leading to strangers of the sand dunes to take shelter anywhere they can, often leading them to the buried town of Dusara. Only then the survivors of storm and desert are then allowed access to the catacombs of Ga-Ra-Vae.   A network of tunnels and corridors built from sandstone bricks in near total darkness, with its only light source being dim arcane lights hovering in this tomb. Still burning centuries later. Along the walls of these confusing and convoluted tunnels are letterbox holes large enough to house the dust and decaying skeletons of this past civilization. With odd occasion of stumbling onto a small boxed room filled with rusted firepits, blunt tools and stone altars and tables carved from the sandstone. All covered in a thick blanket of dust, ash and sand. Some might argue that these rooms once catered to funerals or rituals to prepare the bodies for their journey to the afterlife but with so little information regarding the town of Dusara and the catacombs most of this is speculation.

Ga-Ra-Vae the Imprisoned

  What is agreed by almost all desert dwellers is what lies within the Catacombs themselves. A creature from the past, long believed to be dead but still haunts the present with its ghost stories. Ga-Ra-Vae the serpent. But not just any serpent, the most favoured serpent of Serapentus, Acuran of Serpents himself. Many believe it was this 50ft long scaled creature which wandered the lands of Violem by the side of the Acuran in his lifetime. But after one too many tragedies, the master of this creature deemed it too dangerous to be by its side. Thus imprisoned the serpent inside the Catacombs. Left to rot and decay with the dead as punishment for sending so many to their own demise. The only one of these giant monsters who the Acuran turned on. It is this story which makes many fear the town of Dusara and the Catacombs, even centuries later. Surely the serpent can't still be alive? Trapped in the catacombs for eternity, hidden under the buried town and protected by a magical sandstorm. Surely there is no way Ga-Ra-Vae can still be alive. Many would hope so, but none can confirm.
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