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The united nation of nature, Lha-Ria is one of the latest cities to be built in the new age of peace after the Cytal civil war. A city described as a modern haven to Alum across the lands. With dedicated shrines, temples and schools to respect the various elemental schools of magic, Lha-Ria is a place the founders wished would spark a state of harmony for those residing within its walls.  

Brief Existence:

The city of Lha-Ria has only been around a few decades, built to honour one of The 12 Commanders, Lha-Ria. A water Alum with incredible diplomacy skills which helped fro an alliance between the cities of Drovvin and Fi-Ha during the war. His actions of peace among Alum is what sparked the idea to construct a new city that would be open for any Alum, no matter what element they associate with. As such the city entwines traditions and infrastructure of various settlements to accommodate for any elemental wielder that wishes to live in the city.   The attraction of an Alum ran city drew the attention of many, thus creating a lively and bustling city to the East coast of the Cytal Deserts. Since its founding, the city has only seemed to grow in strength and numbers, growing more for each year that passes.  
Oh it's such a wonderful city. Just make sure you pack an umbrella. But also some lighter clothing. Oh and boots for the muddy sections. In fact, warm clothing would also help. You never know what the weather will be like...

Likeminded Souls:

With a large population, the city of nature has spawned many groups and factions that call Lha-Ria home. The first being the Council of Seasons, the governing body that is in charge of the settlement. Helped with the Alliance Guard who patrol and enforce the laws of the council. The Alliance guard is made up of ex soldiers and warriors who fought during the war, now signed up to protect and defend the public. This guild of police can be found in many of the new cities built across Cytal.   Another prominent faction of the city is the Midnight Beavers. Various workers who plan, construct and maintain the infrastructure of the city. From the windmills turning on rooftops to the heating pipes running under the foundations of buildings. Often working during the night to avoid disturbing residents.   In the darker shadows of the city, whispers creep around that a group of elemental assassins known as the Forces of Nature conduct business inside the confines of the city. Powerful and rare elemental sorcerers such as Lightning and Mind Alum are said to be amongst their ranks.  
Plot Hook - You overhear a pair of Midnight Beavers complaining about the damage caused by all the freak storms, making them fix yet another high walkway. They seem to be getting complaints from locals about all the one way walking systems.
  Finally there is the Masters of the Mind. A society of professors who are experts in subjects they teach roam around the city in long draping robes. Sporting white pointed beards and debate on advanced magical teachings.  

Sights of the City:

While there is many places to visit in the city, there are some that stand out from the rest.
  • Anchor of Reality - An impressive tower at the heart of the city and home to the Council of Seasons
  • Buried Ruins of Aquella - Underneath the city is the ruins of a temple dedicated to Aquella, Acuran of Oceans
  • Fo-Her's Watchtower - A viewing platform on the edge of the city, giving a spectacular view of the shoreline and ocean horizon
  • Harmonia Academy - The Alum school of magic, reserved only to teaching elemental magic and named after the Acuran of Harmony
  • Sanctum of Elementa - An enormous open planned temple with shrines to various elemental deities
Character Prompt - You have been kicked out of the Academy for breaking school rules but you still haven't completed your training in elemental magic. So you search the city for a potential new teacher. A low level Alum of your choosing with a chance to meet the locals.
Cytal Map


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