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House Abblebard

House Abblebard is a vassal house of the great House Steins known for their production of fruit and alcohol. Lead by Merric Abblebard the house is not renowned for its powerful armies, nor its strong charismatic leader, but instead its wonderful drinks, friendly faces and skilled poets. Their seat lies in the castle known as Summer's End, a beautiful stone keep surrounded by large apple orchards and large green fields. Their house sigil is a bright green backround with a golden apple.


House Applebard is organized in a traditional matter with a lord or lady in charge of the house and their eldest child inheriting their title when they die. What makes Applebard unique is that when a new lord is appointed there is always massive festivites in which it is customary for the new lord to top off a flagon of mead in order to properly inherit the title, this is known as The Summer's Haze.


House Applebard's culture is one of drinks, kindness and a love for storytelling. People from Applebard value peace and quiet and a good drink preferring to tend to their farms and orchards and are content to be left alone and ignored. They are well known to be talented singers, poets and story tellers and of course skilled brewers of tasy meads, wines and ales.


House Applebard is quite wealthy, with bountiful farmlands, thriving breweries and one of the only large scale orchard farms in the country. They invest this money into the people and the lands of Applebard have some of the highest quality of life in the nation. They have a small standing militia, just enough to protect their borders, which numbers no more than 500.


House Applebard is a newer house formed by a wealthy merchant named Corwin Applebard who made his fortune selling his families famous mead. He was an incredibly talented and skilled swordsman and magic user who used an ornate rapier known as Ruby Red. Corwin lived incredibly long for a halfling, dying at the age of 224 while enjoying a mug of mead surrounded by his family. This sword has since becomes the families heirloom, though nobody wields it and nobody is allowed within proximity.

Drink up

Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
Parent Organization