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House Steins

House Steins is the great house that occupies the Gardlands and rules from their seat of Oogst Hall. The current lord is a human male named Adrian Steins and the house holds a reputation of being upstanding and isolationist preferring to keep to themselves. House Steins is famous for its fertile lands, plentiful animals especially horses and their use and study of the science of Alchemy. The banner of House Steins is a blue backround with a white symbol of a transmutation circle and their words are "Truth sets us free".


House Steins, though acting more autonomous than other houses, are organized in a very traditional manner. Their lord can be male or female and the heir is decided by the oldest and closest kin. The main difference is in the Stein organization of the lord's court, instead of a court wizard they instead have a court alchemist who acts as a doctor, though some of these alchemists also double as wizards.


House Steins is a house of freedom, expression and an impeccable work ethic. People from the Gardlands have the entire beautiful plain to look upon and most spend their entire lives toiling the dirt and raising massive herds of grazing cattle. Though their lives are tough they have indominitable spirits and will not hesitate to take up arms to defend their farms and ranches.


House Steins is the second wealthiest house within the Aleanza as its responsible for most of the countries food supply having the most fertile lands and land open for grazing animals. The house posesses a standing army of 18,000 troops armed with breastplates, shields and a mix of swords and spears as well as the largest retinue of knights within the kingdom. Where most of their raw power in the army lies however is within the specially trained alchemists who can mold the battlefield to their will and rival the power of battle wizards. To train these alchemists House Steins has sponsored the construction of a castle that acts as a school to train prospective Alchemists known as the Stein's College of Alchemy and graduates of the school may become state sponsored alchemists known as Truthseekers.


House Steins can trace its origin back to the Kingdom of Everboar, a large kingdom which occupied most of the land on the continent of Sanctus before The Aleanza was formed. The founder of the house was Levi Steins, an extremely talented alchemist who cracked the secrets to extended life by mixing the power of Magic and Alchemy to make whats called Philosopher's Stones, however for reasons unknown he burned all of his research and after granting himself long life revealed this information to no one. The house has always had close ties to @silva due to a marriage forged long ago between Anton Steins and one of the Silva daughters named Lyra.

Demography and Population

House Steins' population is mostly spread amongst rural farming communities scattered about the Gardlands. There is a substantial population however in and around the seat of the house in Oogst Hall with it being a center for trade and also providing protection for surrounding farms. House Stein's frowns upon slavery and has inputed a system where slaves who work on a farm long enough are required to be freed after a certain amount of time.


House Steins occupies a large portion of the middle Gardlands down to the border with The Marius Concord. They have occupied this land since the days the house was the Kingdom of Erebor and has held on to them since.

Truth Sets Us Free

Government, Leadership
Leader Title
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories