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House Northwood

House Northwood is a house of monster hunters and while its small in size its soldiers are enhanced with alchemy and expert trackers. These days the house sells its services to other houses in need of monster removal as well as acting as a mercenary house. It is likely thise house would not exist should the founder Braun Northwood not have saved Belegar Ursa's life from a wild griffon attack. The house's sigil is black backround with a green griffon and the houses words are "Evil is Evil".


House Northwood is organized in the traditional manor with a male lord and his council. The only thing different about Northwood is the current lord's wife holds more power than most lady's in his court.


House Northwood's population is low, but those who lives in the surrounding direwoods are men of few words for most have survived grizzly monster attacks and harsh winters just to eek out a living. Pessimistic attitutdes are not uncommon and though loyal, many Northwood people will look out for themselves and those closest before anyone else.


House Northwood is very small and not very wealthy only posessing a single castle known as Direwood, sharing the name with the surrounding woods. They posess a standing army of 500 men armed with chain mail and whatever weapons available as well as a small retinue of hedge knights paid for by House Ursa. What gives Northwood their power is their small group of enhanced beings known as Jaegars who when not hunting monsters for their lord assist in war times and are worth 10 men on their own.


House Northwood was founded when its founder Braun Northwood rescued Belegar Ursa from the clutches of a griffon. The story goes that Belegar and his small retinue of guards were making their way to Direwood in order to establish a new hold, but along the way were ambushed by an unusually cunning and large griffon who slaughtered the lords guards and before getting to him was decapitated by Braun. As a show of gratitude Belegar granted Braun Direwood as his own personal fief.

Demography and Population

House Northwood's extremely small population is spread across small hamlets that sit at the edge of the Direwood. Conditions in these hamlets are almost always meek, but people get by. Northwood's hold of Direwood houses all of their troops as well as the Jaegars who are given quarter inside its halls.


House Northwood posesses the Direwood forest and the immediate area surrounding it. They were given this land by Belegar Ursa and tasked with keeping it safe from monsters so that they did not spread to nearby more useful land.


Due to the harsh conditions the Northwood people are very religious and fervently pray to their preferred god Sylvanus.

Evil is evil, no more no less

Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
Parent Organization