Technocracy of Xolen Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Technocracy of Xolen (zoh-len)

Xolen is an economic and technological powerhouse built by gnome, dwarf, and human survivors. Today, guilds control this technocracy, and the powerful Guild Chairs vote each year to elect the governor or retain the current one. The sky above Xolen is darker than the rest of Vodari, not because of dark sorcery or ominous storms, but because of the constant coal fires and machine work going on day and night. Smoke billows in thick, black pillars from the cities of Xoleni and Gemnackle, coating the island in a pall of industry. Rather than the salty tang of the sea, the air smells of carbon, ozone, and copper.   The exact opposite of the static, enduring structures of the elves, the urban centers and outlying towns of Xolen are in a constant state of flux; expanding, rebuilding, and upgrading as technology progresses. The buildings of this island nation look unlike any other in Vodari. They feature advanced building materials and techniques, modular construction, color-tinted mirror-glass windows, and exact, geometric peaks. This nation both breeds and attracts the best scientific minds in Vodari to its techno-centric community.


Xolen is controlled by various Guilds, whose Chairs form a council that administrate the nation. While the Chancellor is nominally in charge, he serves at the will of the Guilds, and is beholden to them. An annual vote is held to determine whether the current Chancellor will be allowed to keep his position or be replaced.   Each settlement also has a Mayor, who is generally elected by the people. The Chancellor also serves as the Mayor of Xoleni.   While other guilds exist, the Machinists', Science, Fuels, and Alchemists' Guilds are the major powers in Xolenian politics, and it's unheard of for a Chancellor to be elected without their approval.


Xolen is a hub of industry and scientific advancements. Logic and reason are ostensibly the highest values of the population, and those who aspire to improve their position seek to join the Guilds.    The country is in theory a pure meritocracy; any who show promise can be granted a position in the government or any other state agency. The guilds do tend to favor their own members, of course.

Public Agenda

The Guilds are individually interested in expanding their influence and technological knowledge. They spend the resources they have access to studying and performing experiments.    While some elements push for greater militarization of the nation, many Guild members simply wish to explore the limits of science and technology, though they care little for the impact on the environment or the populace.


While Xolen's military is not the largest of the Southern Nations, it is by far the most advanced. Its soldiers are equipped with strange armor and powerful weapons, and its ships require no wind to move.


Built by gnome, dwarf and human survivors of the Godwar, Xolen was established to be an egalitarian land where science and technology would be pursued above wealth and power.    Of course, such things always concentrate in the ruling organizations of any state, and the various Guilds operated as a de facto government, ever more hungry for resources to fuel their civilization and their experiments.   Xolen was interested in securing sources of raw materials in the Colonial Wars, and plied its advanced weapons to protect its interests. Eventually, they started funding privateers as well, until the practice fell out of favor.

Demography and Population

440,000 (35% gnomes, 25% human, 20% dwarves, 5% halflings, 5% elves, 5% goblinoids, 5% other)


The Xolenian mainland is surrounded by several islands that belong to the Technocracy, including Narl, Orca, and Naft.   Xolen's only overseas colony is Tempest, in the Liberty Chain. It serves primarily as a source of raw materials, such as lumber and minerals.


Xolen's military is somewhat small, mainly due to political debate over the role of Xolen as a world power. However, the forces that do exist are the most technologically advanced in Vodari.   The Xolenian army is a showcase of the most devastating weapons the Guilds can produce, with the most elite units using electricity-powered armor and wielding rapid-fire guns. Constructs operate alongside mortal troops, carrying heavy weapons or serving as defensive bastions.   The navy primarily consists of ironclads, usually steam or electricity-powered. There are also prototype submersibles that can travel under the water's surface, though these are typically used for scouting.

Technological Level

Xolen is by far the most technologically advanced nation in all of Vodari. Its weapons are devastating and its ships require no wind or rowers. There is no night in Xoleni, as electric or magical lamps light streets and homes. Constructs act as messengers, transporters, even soldiers. Even the money is counted and verified by special devices held by wealthy merchants.   Arcane magic is studied as a science, and its boundaries are pushed to determine how it can be applied to various technologies and inventions. In fact, most inventions created by the guilds feature some combination of magic and science.   Divine magic is present as well, though its use is mainly limited to the priests of Sindri. Divine magic is seen as unreliable due to having to depend on a deity's favor for it to function.


Xolen is more interested in logic and reason than blind devotion to the gods, but most venerate Sindri, god of craftspeople. A large statue to the god is erected at the very center of Xoleni.

Agriculture & Industry

Xolen is almost entirely industrialized, converting raw materials into finished products en masse. Xoleni's enormous factories operate constantly, producing everything the nation needs for domestic or export use.   Most of the other large settlements, such as Gemnackle, Hope, Tideport and the colony of Tempest are devoted to the production of raw materials, which are shipped to Xoleni for processing.


Xolen does have a robust public education system. Children attend school in hopes of becoming members of the Guilds, rather than spending their lives as factory workers.    For those with enough promise, Xoleni University is the center of education and learning in the nation, and perhaps in all of Vodari. It offers programs in practically all fields of science and engineering.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Xolen's currency is the Guild Mark, which is tied to the value of the gold piece. 100 Marks is equivalent to one GP.   Guild Marks are printed cloth bills made of an alchemically-created fiber; they feature a gear in each corner with the numerical denomination of the bill in the middle of each. The likeness of a former Chancellor is printed on the front face. On the reverse is imagery of various inventions, which varies depending on the denomination and time printed. Each bill is color coded by value and marked with invisible arcane sigils that can be detected by the use of special magic tools, so as to avoid counterfeiting and allow the bills to be counted quickly. The bills are sometimes called "gyyra", from the Gnomish word for "gear".   The values are in order of the light spectrum, with blue, green, yellow, orange and red bills being circulated, corresponding to 1000, 100, 50, 10, and 1 Mark respectively.   When trading with other nations, Xolenians do use precious metals, though typically in the form of trade bars rather than coins. Such metals are more valuable to Xolen as raw materials than as currency. In theory, each bill is backed by a certain amount of metal, but in practice, it's rare for anyone but outsiders to convert their gyrra into gold or silver. Exchanges are located at all ports of entry into the country and in major cities, and few merchants in the interior accept anything but marks.
Major Exports
Steel, timber, gemstones and precious metals, firearms, machinery, ships
Legislative Body
The Chancellor is responsible for passing laws, though the language of the laws is generally written by the Guilds and simply sent to the Chancellor to be rubber-stamped.
Judicial Body
Judges are appointed by the Chancellor, and serve set terms of ten years. They cannot be removed by the Chancellor except in cases of criminal conduct.
Executive Body
Each community has a guard force, which is generally recruited from the populace by the local Mayor. Each guild also has guards that patrol areas valuable to them.
Official Languages

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