Star Chart of Alhammarret Document in Vorago | World Anvil
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Star Chart of Alhammarret

The Star Chart of Alhammarret is a magical record of Vorago's night sky for the past 800 years. While there are many other star charts on Vorago, this is one of the oldest and most comprehensive. More importantly, some say it has the ability to predict future constellations and, therefore, the waxing and waning of the power of the gods!


The star chart's primary purpose is to organize the history of the night sky in such a way as to allow the prediction of future cosmological events, including the travel of Vorago itself through the universe and The Cycle of the Gods.

Historical Details


The Star Chart was originally created by the genius sphynx Alhammarret as a tool for figuring out what was going on with Vorago's strange night sky. After over a hundred years of data-gathering, the sphinx determined Vorago's true nature and used the knowledge to organize his own escape from the plane.


After Alhammarret's departure, adventurers discovered the star chart in his lair and brought it back to Aietel as treasure. Once scholars determined that the sphinx had used it to leave the plane, rumors spread like wildfire and the artifact began its life of hot potato. It was stolen by private agents of a green dragon, then claimed by the dragonslayers guild, sold to The Magocratos, stolen back and forth by agents of three separate mages, presumed lost in a shipwreck, rediscovered by merfolk, reluctantly given as tribute to a dragon turtle, sold to another dragon by said turtle, removed from its implantation in the dragon's cranium by adventurers who were hounded across the continent by agents of both the Bloodless Citadel and the elven coalition, and eventually sold to the theives guild to pawn to someone else. Its current whereabouts are unknown.

Public Reaction

Most plebians have never heard of the star chart, but to scholars it is akin to a philosopher's stone or holy grail. Many people, especially ones with extraplanar ambitions, would kill to get their hands on it.


The realization that the star chart allowed Alhammarret to escape Vorago prompted the creation of more complex and well funded observatories in multiple nations. Some survive to this day, attempting to create a similarly useful record.
Map, Star Chart
Crystal, Magical
Authoring Date
Expiration Date


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