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The Hands of Justice

A powerful order of knights and paladins sworn to keep the peace and provide justice. Culturally and proportionally elven, though not exclusively.   Originally founded and headquartered in Aietel during the dawn of the Elven Coalition, the Hands of Justice do not limit themselves to elven territories. Knights usually travel alone or in adventuring groups, travelling the world doing good (or sticking their noses into things, if you prefer). The stereotype fingers "Hodges" as simultaneously haughty and nosy, but this bad press may be spread by elites who know that members of the Hand have forcefully deposed more than one corrupt official in the past.   Though they are much smaller than they once were, there are still many opposing factions within the organization. The two largest factions are the Freebloods, who are inclined and even encouraged by their codes to disregard laws and borders standing in the way of justice, and the Lions, who work within local systems to bring justice and often work as lawyers.


The Hands of Justice are officially organized by a simple seniority system. Older knights may give orders to younger members, though most limit themselves to their apprentices. This naturally leads to almost all of the most senior members being elven.   New recruits must apply with an essay, then be accepted to spend a few years in the academy in Aietel learning martial prowess, ethics, and law. They are then sent out as a squire to an active knight, where they are eventually graduated to full knighthood. This process can take anywhere from 5 years to 30, and recruits are typically 17-30 in human years (or an equivalent age).   The Hands are led by a ruling council of the most decorated knights, headquartered in Aietel. On the occasion that one of these legendary figures dies, a replacement is selected from the most distinguished knights, though only if good options are available; there is no set council size.


There are two main cultures within the Hands; the Freebloods and the Lions. From the moment a recruit steps into the academy, they are pressured to begin choosing one side or the other. The two factions are not truly in opposition, merely in competition, and there is plenty of mutual respect on both sides.   The Freebloods prioritize their immediate moral duty over procedure, often going around local laws or even breaking them for the greater good; simply put, they dislike beaurocracy. They are fast and effective, especially at fighting corruption, though the Lions criticize their lack of follow-up. Freeblood knights often wander for the majority of their deployment, and often travel and appear rather modestly. They like being on the front lines of issues, and often embody the "jock" archetype of NGO operative.   The Lions prioritize long-term effectiveness and reliability over impulse, generally working within a single system to make it more moral and effective; simply put, they are adept at using beaurocracy. They tend to live in one area working as a lawyer, public servant, judge, or other public servant, and cultivate important connections with authorities. The Freebloods criticize their lack of immediate action, but the Lions are responsible for investigating and legally detaining the most powerful corrupt, and pride themselves on their long-term efficacy. They are more of the "nerd" archetype, and often have terrifying legal prowess.

Public Agenda

The agenda of the Hands is very clear; justice, mercy, and peace. They seek to resolve conflicts, whether legal or physical, and protect the innocent. It should be noted that they act upon their own organizations moral code, not whatever the local verdict is, which can lead to serious conflict.


Righteous Knights are all equipped with fine armor, weapons, legal and combat training, and a small stipend. They may also receive commendations from the organization in the form of magical items or aides.   The knightly organization itself owns about a college-campus' worth of land in Aietel, and centuries' of accumulated funding, but little outside its headquarters. Their main assets are thier knights.


The Hands were founded by a group of veteran elven knights frustrated with the beaurocracy of the Protectorate and inspired by the paladinic oaths of two of the members. They used their amassed wealth to form a separate organization, funding it for long enough that their good works eventually earned them enough favor with many nations to get public support.   Throughout The Fire Wars and Brothers' War, the Hands stayed neutral, though they were viewed with distrust by The Magocratos. They continued operating through The Destabilization, even increasing their numbers.

Justice. Mercy. Peace.

Founding Date
1101 PE
Alternative Names
Leader Title
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