
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Octavia , others   Generation: 6     Biography   Aurelia is originally from Spain. She was embraced in the late 13th century, during a time of great political upheaval and conflict within the clan. Aurelia was a brilliant strategist and warrior, and quickly rose through the ranks of the Lasombra to become one of their most respected and feared leaders.   It was during a campaign to secure Sabbat interests in Venice that Aurelia first encountered Octavia, who was then a mortal noblewoman with a sharp mind and a talent for political maneuvering. Impressed by Octavia's intelligence and cunning, as well as her unflinching loyalty to her family and her clan, Aurelia decided to Embrace her and make her a part of the Lasombra.   Under Aurelia's tutelage, Octavia quickly developed into a formidable Kindred in her own right, using her wit, charm, and intellect to manipulate the Venetian populace, kindred and mortal alike, and consolidate her power. Aurelia was proud of her progeny's accomplishments, but also saw in her a kindred spirit with a fierce ambition and a ruthless streak that matched her own.   Over the years, Aurelia and Octavia developed a close relationship, with the Lord serving as both mentor and confidant to her progeny. Despite their bond, however, there was always an underlying tension between them, as Aurelia struggled to reconcile her pride in Octavia's achievements with her own desire for dominance and control. This only escalated further when Octavia left the Sabbat.     Appearance   Aurelia is a striking figure, standing at 5'6" with a lean and toned physique. Her olive-toned skin is smooth and almost flawless, which is a testament to her supernatural longevity. She has striking almond-shaped brown eyes that are often described as intense and piercing, giving her a commanding presence. Her dark hair is long and lustrous, cascading in loose curls around her shoulders. Aurelia often wears her hair in an intricate braid or styled up to showcase her neck, which is a symbol of vulnerability in the Kindred world.   As someone born in Spain during the 13th century, Aurelia's features reflect her heritage. Her facial features are sharp, with a well-defined jawline, high cheekbones, and a straight nose. Her lips are full and sensuous, with a natural pout that often belies her fierce personality. Her eyebrows are thick and well-groomed, with a slight arch that gives her a regal appearance.   In terms of fashion, Aurelia prefers to dress in elegant yet practical attire that allows her to move freely. She often wears custom outfits with an emphasis on dark colors such as black, deep green, and burgundy. Her clothing is often adorned with intricate embroidery, delicate lace, or fine silk, which highlights her refined tastes. Aurelia also favors statement jewelry, such as a bold pendant or a pair of ornate earrings, which adds a touch of glamour to her appearance.     Haven   Aurelia's haven is located in an old castle in the countryside of northern Spain, near the Pyrenees mountains. The castle is situated on a hilltop, overlooking a small village and surrounded by dense forests.   The castle has been renovated and furnished with modern amenities, while still retaining its medieval charm. Aurelia's private chambers are located in the highest tower of the castle, accessible only by a spiral staircase that winds its way up to the top. The room is spacious and well-decorated, with large windows that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.   The main hall of the castle serves as a meeting place for Aurelia and her fellow Kindred, as well as a space for entertaining guests. It features high ceilings, stone walls, and large wooden tables and chairs. The castle also has a library, a chapel, and a dungeon that has been repurposed as a wine cellar.   The castle is surrounded by a high stone wall, with a large gatehouse and watchtowers at each corner. The entrance to the castle is guarded by Aurelia's ghouls, who keep a close eye on any visitors and ensure the safety of the Kindred inside.     Modern Nights   Aurelia still resides in Europe, where she continues to exert her influence over Clan Lasombra's Sabbat population and shape the course of Kindred politics. While she maintains a degree of respect and admiration for Octavia, she also views her as a potential rival and threat to her own power and keeps a watchful eye on her movements and alliances, especially as word of Octavia's involvement in the Camarilla has reacher her ears.   Within the past decade, Aurelia has choose to withdraw from active participation in the Sabbat's activities for various reasons. As a powerful kindred, Aurelia has ties to many influential Kindred within the sect. One of her closest allies is a Brujah named Rafael, who served as the pack priest of her pack. Rafael is a charismatic and passionate leader who shares Aurelia's former zeal for the Sabbat cause.   Another influential Kindred in Aurelia's life is a Tzimisce named Viktor Kuznetsov, who serves as the Archbishop of the city where Aurelia resides. Viktor is a young but powerful and respected figure within the Sabbat, known for his strategic mind and his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. While Aurelia respects Viktor's power and position, she also knows that he is not to be trusted and keeps a wary eye on him at all times, especially since she is not an active member of the sect anymore.   Aurelia has connections to many other members of the Sabbat, including other packs and prominent members of the Black Hand. While she is fiercely independent, she recognizes the importance of building alliances and maintaining strong relationships within the sect if she is to continue her existance and not meet the final death.


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