Chevalier Perrail Seigneur de Bierre

There is no god but Monica, no light but hers
A Northern Elf, and once a devoted follower of Mafren and Zelavia, his eyes were opened to the true faith the day he saw Monica herself cast down his false god with a mighty hand and her firery blade. Although he was too hesitant to follow in the ranks of the blessed disciples that would record her every action up to martyrdom, he confessed his sins and formally joined the faith in the aftermath of the crucifixtion at Starkvald. Although as a warrior he was tempted by the Inquisiton, he chose to join the church's fraternis militia, bringing his extensive experience as a Lord of the Front to bear in defense of the one true faith.
Unlike most Monicans, Perrail is a true monotheist, believing in Monica alone, and vigorously denouncing the 'so-called deities' the rest of the world reveres, such as Balthor and Seket & Khushum. This has made him somewhat politically isolated within the church, as only his status as a living witness to the goddess herself has preserved him against accusations of heresy and worse. In recent times he has often been seen in the company of Inquisitor Toth, making him one of the few well known members of the Monican 'Hidden Path'.


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