Barony of Schuschnigg Geographic Location in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Barony of Schuschnigg

The Barony of Schuschnigg encompasses the land from Loewi Brook (halfway between Erbshausen and Steingart) to Hutten Brook which empties into River Oggel across from the village of Schmirn. The western borders of the barony reach the eastern slopes of Hutten Hills with its eastern boundary lies across the Oggle to the north-western slopes of the largely wild Raggel Hills.

The land away from River Oggel is not terribly fertile outside the area surrounding Steingart, though there are many farmsteads scratching a living in these areas. Bandits and rustlers are not much trouble in the area, though shepherds keep a constant watch for menacing wolves and large wildcats.
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