County of Liebewitz Geographic Location in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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County of Liebewitz

The County of Liebewitz is the largest single landholding in the Lower Wissenland region and, in combination with the Stadtstaat of Nuln, is the centre of the von Liebewitz’ power and wealth. The county is by far the richest in the province, although the wealthier part of the county lies along the Upper Reik and its tributaries. The western reaches of the county still follow the Old Faith.

Although bandits and river pirates remain a danger to travellers, the roads and river routes in the county are probably safest in the entire province, other than those in the Stadtstaat. Oddly, the bandit bands in the foothills of the Grey Mountains act as a check against Goblin incursions from the mountains.

There are also rumours that the infamous Blood Keep, a ruined stronghold near the headwaters of the western fork of River Grissen, has been reoccupied by the forces of darkness. None of the ruling class has the desire to mount an armed expedition to confirm the tales... yet.
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