A Plea for Help

Lady Ammalia Cassalanter and Lord Victoro Cassalanter have heard the rumors of Neverember's Enigma and asked the party to find the 500,000 in order to save the souls of their twin children. They've recently discovered the children were cursed by Asmodean cultists. They have found a ritual that can save them, but it requires them to sacrifice “one shy of a million gold coins”. They can gather half the funds, but not all. They offer a reward of 10% of the gold (50,000 gp).   The party spoke to the guards who were on duty the night the letter informing the Cassalanters of the curse was left at the house, but they saw nothing. They advised the party to talk to Icantha, an elven woman who was a servant on duty at the time. She recently left to become an adventurer and was last seen near Blue Alley. The party ventured into the infamous Waterdeep deathtrap and found Icantha's body. They noticed a tattoo of a symbol very similar to the one on the letter informing Lord and Lady Cassalanter of the curse. Icantha also had a note that said the following:
A blind stone must see. Manshoon overplayed his hand with X. Z's are down an eye.
Cameron recalled that Manshoon was a wizard and the former leader of the Zhentarim, but he had been dead for over a hundred years. It was said that when he died it was revealed that he had created dozens of clones of himself, all of which were hell bent on destroying each other.
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