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History of West of Avalon

  • Before History
    Oue arrives on Oa
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Oue, through some unknown means, arrives on the planet Oa.

  • 100 million years ago
    New Continent Extinction Event

    An extinction event kills off a majority of the species in the Great Valley, including the Major Armadillo.

  • 98427 BGM

    The Birth of the Great Fairy
    Life, Birth

    The Great Fairy, Stellari, is created in An-Stellari by a mysterious, unknown force.

  • 96435 BGM

    The Great Fairy Makes Contact With Primitive Humans
    Cultural event

    The Great Fairy Stellari finds a primitive group of humans in the woods near An-Stellari. She would become their companion, their steward, and eventually their Goddess.

  • 79637 BGM

    69997 BGM

    One-Sided War
    Military: War

    Elves declare war on the fairies, demanding to be freed from their subjugation. For nearly ten thousand years, the fairies used their infinite power to inflict endless suffering.

  • 73849 BGM

    Nymphs force orcs from the forests
    Population Migration / Travel

    The nymphs claim dominance over the woodlands of the Old Continent, forcing the orcs away into the mountainous lands of the North. This would begin the long-standing history of racial tensions between the nymphs and the orcs.

  • 70060 BGM

    Alexandre Vali is born
    Life, Birth

    Alexandre Vali, who would end the One-Sided War and usher in a new era for the elves, and who would become king for nearly seventy thousand years to come, is born in the elvish slums which would become the mighty kingdom of Valia.

  • 69997 BGM

    Covenant of the Fairies and Elves
    Diplomatic action

    In order to broker peace and end the One-Sided War, the fairies entered into a covenant with the elves, granting them eternal life and extreme magic sensitivity.

  • 19426 BGM

    Alain Vali is born
    Life, Birth

    Alain Vali, son of King Alexandre Vali of Valia, who would be born Prince of Valia and later become King of Avalon, is born in Valia.

  • 6920 BGM

    Birth of Eyasyl
    Life, Birth

    Eyasyl, who would become Queen of the Nymph Forest of Eyadel, is born in the woodlands of the Old Continent.

  • 6744 BGM

    6676 BGM

    First Human-Orc War
    Military: War

    The nations of Human and Orc battle for dominance over the course of nearly seventy years. In the end, a truce is brokered with little fanfare, and the mortal races are left altogether unsure what it was they were fighting about in the first place.

  • 4895 BGM

    Birth of Ilano Guile
    Life, Birth

    Illano Guile, creator of the Mermaid Blade Arts, is born in Mermaid Country.

  • 737 BGM

    1 /7

    Birth of Marguerite Zala'ar
    Life, Birth

    Marguerite Zala'ar is born in Valia on the 1st of Alithifor.

  • 674 BGM

    Birth of Za'Qen
    Life, Birth

    Za'Qen, immortal queen of the orcs, is born out of wedlock to her mother, Za'Lin, miles south of Zath'al.

  • 669 BGM

    Za'Qen becomes immortal
    Life, Supernatural

    Sixty-eight-year-old Marguerite Zala'ar is sad that her five-year-old orc foster sister, Za'Qen, will outgrow her and eventually die before Marguerite is even an adult. The two find a fairy, Polaris, behind a waterfall near the Zala'ar's summer home. They plead Polaris to grant Za'Qen the aging of an elf so that she and Marguerite may be best friends forever. Polaris reluctantly agrees, and grants the young orc her wish.

  • 158 BGM

    Za'Qen travels to Orc Country, becomes queen
    Cultural event

    The immortal orc Za'Qen makes a pilgrimage to Orc Country, marking the first time she has ever been to her mother's homeland. She returns to the orcs their old myths and legends, which had fallen to the obscure traffic of time centuries ago. The orcs herald her as a goddess and crown her their queen.

  • 1 BGM

    Valia becomes a democratic republic
    Political event

    After sending his only son, Prince Alain, to establish a colony across the sea, King Alexandre Vali reorganizes the Kingdom of Valia into the Democratic Republic of Valia. Shortly after, the former king retires from public life.

  • 1 BGM

    The Great Migration

    The seven major races of the world send expeditioners and civilians westward to an uninhabited continent. They establish a colony in a large valley thousands of miles inland.

  • 1 IN

    Geological / environmental event

    A wicked sandstorm engulfs the Great Valley, trapping all of its new inhabitants inside.

  • 55 IN

    Birth of Hualodel
    Life, Birth

    Hualodel, who would become Queen Consort and later Ruling Steward of Eyadel, is born.

  • 1981 IN

    Birth of Eyadryd
    Life, Birth

    Princess Eyadryd, daughter of Eyasyl, heiress to the throne of the Nymph Forest of Eyadel, is born.

  • 1990 IN

    12 /5

    Plain Caravan Incident
    Military: Skirmish

    An armored caravan from Glyndalli passes through the Orc Plains headed for Lystel. Orcs aggrandize the caravan, and the humans respond with military force in self defense. Eleven orcs are killed, a handful wounded.

  • 1992 IN

    26 /8

    Military: Battle

    In the dead of night, the military forces of Farshah launch an assault on the nymph forest of Eyadel. Among the casualties are Eyasyl, queen of the nymphs.

  • 1992 IN

    26 /8

    Death of Eyasyl
    Life, Death

    Eyasyl, Queen of Eyadel, is killed in battle by orc belligerents during the Ukraskiki.

  • 1992 IN

    27 /8

    Stewardship of Eyadel begins
    Political event

    In the wake of Queen Eyasyl's death, Queen Consort Hualodel becomes the steward of Eyadel until such a time when Princess Eyadryd is old enough to assume the throne.

  • 1992 IN

    1 /9
    2074 IN

    13 /2

    Second Human-Orc War
    Military: War

    Glyndalli and Farshah fight for resources, political power, and land for eight decades, marking a period of great war not seen for millenia among the mortal races. The immortal Za'Qen brokers peace with King Arden Oak II of Glyndalli in 2074 IN, ending the war.

  • 1999 IN

    Eyadryd rejects the throne
    Political event

    Princess Eyadryd, having come of age, rejects the throne of Eyadel. By the laws of the nymphs, Hualodel remains Ruling Steward of Eyadel until Eyadryd or her descendants decide to reclaim the throne.

  • 4977 IN

    Birth of Lynea Galoris
    Life, Birth

    Lynea Galoris is born in Larellia.

  • 5077 IN

    Lynea relocates to Ten-Gorrah
    Life, Relocation

    On the eve of her 100th birthday, Lynea Galoris enlists the help of an Avian postman to fly her from Larellia to Ten-Gorrah, so that she may study technomancy under Marguerite Ten-Voran. Upon her arrival, Marguerite welcomes her with open arms, despite the protestations of the clergy.

  • 5096 IN

    Birth of Cassiopoeia and Dorothea Zala'ar
    Life, Birth

    Cassiopoeia and Dorothea Zala'ar, twin daughters to Marguerite Ten-Voran and Lynea Galoris, are born at Ten-Gorrah.

  • 5159 IN

    12 /6
    5159 IN

    15 /6

    Military: Battle

    The Iran-Sha, Elvish for "time of great pain," was a deadly battle initiated after human and orc armies, as well as a coalition of Almudic zealots and a coven of fleshnomancers, each laid siege on Ten-Gorrah in a bid for its technological resources. The battle resulted in thousands of deaths, and is widely considered to be the single greatest loss of life the valley has ever seen.

  • 5227 IN

    Birth of Kozz
    Life, Birth

    Kozz is born in Farshah.

  • 5245 IN

    5260 IN

    Era of the Ladykillers
    Criminal Activity

    The outlaws known as the Ladykillers begin their criminal exploits under the rule of legendary outlaw Diane Watson.

  • 5258 IN

    Raid on Baran-gal
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Ladykillers raided Baran-gal and incited a rebellion amongst the inmates, resulting in over a hundred deaths of inmates and guards.
