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Ancient Morten Prison

The Ancient Morten Prison is an underground dungeon located in the swamps below Lake Thane in the domain of Morten. If it ever had a proper name, it has been lost to history. The Party located the prison while in pursuit of the Mistglide legacy, hoping to find answers and the key to the door beneath the Mistglide Ruins.   After defeating Black Agnes Mudwallow and retrieving the keystone, the Party ventured underground. Upon locating the dungeon, they found the previous tenants had risen as undead. Based on the messages found on the walls, this was intentionally done by someone, likely a former guest of the prison. The Party found many disturbing things in the prison, including torture chambers and strange monsters.   After making their way through the lower level of the prison, the Party defeated the spectral guardian charged with keeping trespassers out of whatever was further down below the swamps. This passage looked intentionally carved, and it led them to a strange lair made of white marble and decorated with arcane runes. Braving many dangers, solving many puzzles, and defeating all kinds of enemies, the Party discovered the prison was most likely a facility for holding and "questioning" followers of Quoros, the ancient divine being who was Mystra's chief rival for the portfolio of arcane magic. After revolting, the followers created this strange lair as place to live, worship, and potentially resurrect Quoros, as they believed he was killed during the First War. Only at the end did the cultists (and the Party) discover that Quoros was not dead. The resurrection ritual tore a hole in space, linking this world with the Void where Quoros had instead been banished.   Some entity on the other side of the rift indicated that the Mysterious Cult the Party has encountered is likely another Cult of Quoros, still trying to resurrect a god they believe dead. Refusing to join the followers in the Void, the Party battled many alien creatures that came pouring out from the Void. Eventually, the Party closed the rift, which accelerated the collapse of the prison. Barely escaping to the surface in time, they saw the ground sink noticeably as the spaces of the temple were filled with rubble. It is unlikely that the prison could be entered again.

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