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Mystryl is the capital of the city-state of the same name. It is the largest city of Winderia, with standing structures able to support upwards of 100,000 citizens, and it serves as its political capital. The city sits near the geographic center of Winderia and is nestled into the face of Midnight Mountain. While it did not grow around a wellspring of arcane power, it represents the balance of magic necessary to prevent abuse, chaos, and destruction.   Like the other major cities in Winderia, it is an ancient settlement, but it remains in impressive condition. Significant resources have been poured into maintaining the city's infrastructure and social programs. The city's fundamental elements are all accounted for and well attended to, a mark of the stewardship of Mystryl's leaders and bureaucrats. This is also demonstrated by the city's high quality (and quantity) of fortifications. Despite being far from any obvious threats, Mystryl is surrounded by a heavy wall of stone, with a number of watchtowers spaced around the perimeter. Each gate is doubly thick and reinforced with metal banding, and a large portcullis was added to the primary south gate where Highway travelers enter the city. Additional watchtowers are also located within the city proper and the surrounding countryside.   Outside the city wall, one can find a group of farms on very hospitable land. These provide most of the food needed to support Mystryl's citizens, and any excess is sold off in the market to traveling vendors. Outside the northwest city wall, near where the Midnight River begins its journey to Stillwater Bay, citizens congregate at the event grounds. This land is well tended and hosts many games, duels, ceremonies, and other events that require more capacity than what's available in the city.   Mystryl's market square is quite spacious, with room for many vendor stalls for both locals and travelers. These stalls are acquired via a daily auction, and the fees are funneled back into the city's infrastructure. Merchant overflow outside the city is banned, and the City Watch enforces this regularly. Below the market square — and the rest of the city, for that matter — is an extensive network of sewers. These are well maintained despite their age.   Of the Party members, Emmalyn Rainsoar calls Mystryl her home.

Government & High Society

Historically, Mystryl has been ruled by the High Priestess of Mystra, the leader of the Church of Mysteries and de facto head of the Confederation Arcanum. The High Priestess typically works closely with the Knight of Mystra — the leader of the Holy Guard — but final decisions regarding administration of the city and Winderia have come from her. However, there has been a recent push from the citizens for more secular considerations in how the city is governed. Rather than try to quell the movement, both Isa Ereskin and Virgil Halathar agreed to serve as part of a three-person council, with the third member being an elected representative. The current Mystryl City Council includes:
  • Isa Ereskin, High Priestess of Mystra
  • Virgil Halathar, Knight of Mystra
  • Tybmar Leowynn, Citizen Advocate
The three leaders have an accord and work together well. They have been successful in administering an agenda seen as broadly beneficial to the citizens.   Additionally, there are currently ten noble houses in Mystryl. Among them, three are seen as "primary" nobles, and seven are considered "lesser" nobles. The number and ratio of noble houses changes, as titles of nobility are awarded based on deeds accomplished by the individual or family. Many of the current nobles achieved their titles through economic achievement, and while most citizens are able to live comfortably, this creates tension between the nobles and the people. Nobles and commoners generally keep out of each other's way and largely ignore each other when they come into contact. The nobility puts up with the city's leadership, though they do not openly support them. This is most likely because the Mystryl City Council treats the people and the nobility equally.   The Holy Guard is headquartered in Mystryl, though the majority of its members are spread among the eight outlying city-states. It keeps a modest force within the city itself. In addition to the facilities at Brighthall Castle, the Holy Guard maintains simple structures inside the capital. This includes troop barracks and officer quarters, as well as lightly-walled training grounds. They occasionally assist the Mystryl City Watch for larger problems, but they generally stay out of city business.


Mystryl's community is diverse, perhaps the most diverse in Winderia except for Vorba. Approximately 20% of the population is human, with all other common ethnicities of Winderia well represented. The city is densely populated; there are few vacant buildings, and a person has little more than elbow room when in high-traffic areas.   The city is rather prosperous. The majority have enough to live a good life, and a fair amount are able to live comfortably. A wealthy class has emerged and mostly separated itself into its own district. This creates some tension between classes, but open hostility is rare. Due to the city's general prosperity, the citizens can afford to pursue culture and activities, and they show a keen interest in it. In Mystryl, that usually means the pursuit of enjoyment. Many people in the city incorporate some aspect of this into their daily lives and seek out opportunities to find enjoyment amidst the mundane. In most cases, this does not interfere with the goings on of the city.   As Winderia's capital and the midpoint of the Highway, Mystryl hosts masses of visitors. Many are traders moving coast to coast, but any reason one can think of to travel is a good reason to visit Mystryl. The city does an admirable job coping with the influx of extra people, though any disturbance in this operation could prove devastating. The permanent residents are mostly neutral toward visitors. They are a bit standoffish and hard on the outside, but they can be friendly if you take the time and effort to get to know them.   Due to the large number of visitors and the cultural appreciation for enjoyment, the night activity in Mystryl is raucous. The city operates as expected during the day, but once the sun goes down, it truly comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and going at all hours. Parties and other commotion are routinely heard. In fact, there are locations that only open in the evenings, and a sort of "night market" has emerged to provide goods, services, and curiosities of all kinds available for those who keep alternative hours.   In part because of the night activity, Mystryl institutes an extensive City Watch. It is run by the Watch Captain, who employs several sergeants to oversee the rank-and-file members. All key points are thoroughly guarded, the city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and patrols of the city streets happen regularly. That isn't to say that crime is uncommon; in a city this large with this many moving people, the crime rate is noticeable. Most are used to hearing about some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone who's been a victim of a crime, such as a theft or even an occasional mugging. Violent crime is rare, though. And under the surface of it all, the Guild operates semi-openly. There simply aren't enough officials to rein them in, but as long as they keep violence and major disruptions to a minimum, law enforcement looks the other way.


Much of the city isn't segmented in any particular fashion. The many citizens have formed neighborhoods where they live and work together, and you can find all types of goods and services throughout the city. However, some parts have become known as their own districts with their own commonalities and characteristics. There are five such districts in Mystryl.

Temple District

The Temple District represents much more than just a religious center for the city. Situated on two terraces built up the slope of Midnight Mountain, it is the home district of the Temple of Nine Stars, Brighthall, and the Magic University of Mystryl. While religion plays a central theme, this district hosts the most significant administrative and scholarly pursuits in the city. It is kept in magnificent condition. The entrance to the district is gated and guarded by the City Watch, and while crime isn't completely eliminated here, it occurs at a lower rate than the city overall.   Housing is limited in the district, with most of it being taken up by important members of the Confederation Arcanum. As of today, one of the primary nobles and three of the lesser nobles reside in the Temple District.   In addition to the three main facilities mentioned above (as well as the Great Library), one can find other shops and services in the Temple District. More information is provided here.

Upper Class District

As one might assume, the Upper Class District is where those with the greatest means have congregated. It sits just below the Temple District in the northeastern corner of the city. It is kept in the same magnificent condition as the Temple District, and the entrances into the district are also gated and guarded. Despite this, there is frequent crime in the district, most often theft of a rich person's valuables.   There is a moderate amount of housing here, enough for the wealthiest citizens and the shops and services they crave the most. Included among them are the other two primary nobles, as well as two of the lesser nobles. A summary of the shops and services available in the Upper Class District is provided here.

Merchant District

The Merchant District focuses on the city's businesses and its non-essential goods. Most people who visit this district are looking to make a deal. They can only visit this district, as there is no permanent housing available. All permanent structures in the Merchant District are dedicated to doing business. Entry to the district is open to anyone, and only the typical City Watch patrols enter the area. The crime rate in the Merchant District is predictably higher because of this, with frequent incidents of non-violent crime and even the occasional violence happening here.   When he is not in the Temple District engaged in city governance, Tybmar Theowynn is likely here or at his small mansion located just outside the district. A further summary of the shops and services found in the district is provided here.

Craft District

Separate from the market square in Mystryl, the Craft District is where one would search for the finest goods in the city. Artisans of all types set up in the district, trying to distinguish themselves from the typical shops and services. Entry to the district is guarded by private security, paid for by the craftspeople. Crime is limited here, occurring less frequently than the overall city.   Housing is limited in the Craft District as well, with most of it taken up by those with the means to purchase the property and pay for the guards. Two of the city's lesser nobles lives in the district. A summary of the notable shops and services in the Craft District is provided here.


"Slums" is a harsh word, considering the district is still in decent condition. However, compared to the prosperity of the rest of the city, this is where those less well off have congregated. Entry into the district is open, and crime has become extensive. Most of the violent crime in the city occurs here; some of it occurs out of desperation, but a significant portion happens because the Slums offers a convenient locale with fewer City Watch eyes.   Housing is extensive here. While many of the buildings are still in decent shape, the residents are densely packed together, and most of the city's shared multi-unit structures are here. A summary of the shops and services on can find in the Slums is provided here.

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