Kingdom of Eire Organization in Windrule | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Eire

They're here, They're there, They're from Kingdom of 'Ere!
— Popular cheer
For a long time, it seemed like the world will forever be ruled by the Ardenian Empire. All of Ordonia was under their rule, the continent's old names forgotten and no longer used. It is therefore of little surprise that most people did not expect or even notice the Eirish rise to power. With the Wellimbrook Archipelago as their core and numerous colonies across all of New World, the Kingdom of Eire is now considered one of two great powers in the Old World.


It would obviously be wrong to expect anything other than a monarchy from a realm with "kingdom" in its name. It is not quite as simple however, for Eire is actually a confederation of 9 Kings, representing its 9 main islands. The ruling dynasty of the biggest island holds the title of the High King, a formal ruler of all Eirish lands. Each kingdom within Eire enjoys their own specific laws and traditions, with all shared laws and major decisions made by a council of 9 kings and their advisors. The kings are even allowed to have their own personal armies, but they still use the same coin among other things.   At least that is how it was meant to be. While kings still have authority over their individual parts of archipelago, any newly discovered lands do not fall under the dominion of either king. The discovery of the New World, invention of a new ship type called Mitris and all the riches they brought have thus greatly empowered the High King. Commissions are granted by the High King's viceroys, his word changes owners of land comparable by size and wealth to some of the Wellimbrook Archipelago's own islands. The growing importance of the New World has obviously shifted the balance of power within the kingdom, leading some to question the necessity of having multiple kings at all.


The Eirish still retain many aspects of their culture from the old times, when they lived on Ordonia and called themselves Hummish. All men and women are free to lead a life of their choosing - a sentiment that is not, sadly, applied to people of different origins. Much of that individual freedom comes from the Eirish obsession with sea, their saviour and protector. Life in colonies is tough but there is plenty of land and promise of wealth for generations to come. It is thus that many people, struggling to make a living at home or in reaction to the rulers' unpopular decisions, choose to leave for the New World.


In any book written by Eirish on their history, the first chapters will always speak on the times before Eirish even existed as a nation. The times of oppression and conquest, when the Ardenian Empire set its sights on uniting the entire continent under its banner. Sometimes by silver and quill, but more often by fire and sword. While most communities chose to bow down after being defeated, some chose to take to sea instead. The sea, however, was merciless. It was the survivors of these survivors that made their way to the Wellimbrook Archipelago, where eventually the Kingdom of Eire was found.   For centuries, the Eirish prospered on their islands and slowly explored the world around. Eventually, their population grew to the point when the islands could no longer provide for everyone - and dozens of ships took out into the ocean, looking for new lands to claim for themselves. It was the Eirish that first invented a type of ships specifically meant for long-distance voyages in rough waters. Although the title was never formally claimed, the history of Eire as a colonial empire has begun.   Eventually, the Eirish grew strong and numerous. From the New World, they brought back gunpowder and new weapons. With an army unlike any seen on the continent before, the Eirish have turned their attention back to the ancestral lands. Their army landed in support of Hummish rebels, causing a culture shock when Eirish soldiers armed with guns managed to defeat the Ardenian Empire in several key battles. Since then, the fights between two great powers became commonplace - something that some view as the triumphal march of progress, while others regard as unjustified meddling in Ordonian affairs.

Demography and Population

A century ago you could hardly find an Eirish, now they are everywhere. Give them another century or two and there will be more of them than of us.
Although large by most nations' standards, the kingdom's homelands are much smaller than those of its imperial rival. The Wellimbrook Archipelago does enjoy much better climate however, which means denser population. Thanks to its colonial nature, much of the kingdom's economy relies on trade. Manufactured goods are being shipped out into the New World in large quantities, while food and materials are being brought back in order to feed the ever-increasing population and its industrial drive.
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Organization by Vertixico


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