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Urasel is a region deep within the confines of Evermist. To the north lies the Domain of Daliyar, the south, the Ethereal Peninsula, to the east, the Realm of Goras, and the west, the Deep Veil. It is a region defined by deep caverns and ravines that are hidden by rolling green hills. To the west, lies the creeping forest of the Deep Veil that grows the farther one travels down that direction. The region is home to a plethora of elves, such as the cave elves, the metal elves, the grey elves, and the forsaken Umbral Elves. The region was first defined to be a barrier between the Realm of Goras and the Deep Veil, setting a restriction on the invasive forest, created perfectly by the deep caverns and ravines of the region the forest could not overcome. Powerful magic circulates the land and restricts the forest's growth. This magic, given to the region by the Ryo-Alluin, is centralized at four great foci, that take the shape of great totems. Tourists take pilgrimages across the region to visit the different foci and their exuding magic.    The region is generally peaceful, with each sub-race of elf staying out of one another's way. The metal elves live in the north of the region in their metal fortresses and artificial nature, the grey elves to the west in their buildings of wax and rock, the cave elves living in the deep ravines of the region, and the Umbral elves living deep underground, but always looking to build portals to annex the ground above.
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