World of faêrun and baptomet Ball of Guardians
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Ball of Guardians

Cultural event

5/8 20:00
6/8 3:00

To mark the start of the Festival of the Guards the social elite holds a ball where all the Noble people of Elturel attend. Feyrith Inahorn, the Captain of the Guards is hosting this ball at his estate Talicanthus Estate named after the family (Talicanthus) who first built it.

The Cult of Baptomet has hired an thief (Castien Urihana) to attend a ball that marks the start of the festival of the Guards. Castien Urihana is to steal jewelry from the nobles and elite at the ball and then make a drop at The Blue Water Inn. Where the Cult of Baptomet will retrieve them (4 Cultist), have Truman Wyvernshard curse them. Then have the guards find them again and have them retrieved by their owner. Who then will wear the cursed items.   The ball will be on the 9th of Eleasis

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