Edgemark Settlement in World of Lathas | World Anvil


Edgemark Summary: A border fort that watches the pass into the Shengalli Desert. The town is primarily composed of military troops that take shifts watching the pass. There is also a mining guild that has been working the local mine(1).  

Places of Interest:

  • Edgemark Barracks

  1. Captain James Monroe
  2. Sgt Delve Hinson
  • Living Edge Inn and Tavern

  1. Heather Turwind
  2. Duke Turwind
  • The Hammer

  1. Guldin Stonearm
  • Residential District

  1. Mayor Remmy Turwind
  • Edgemark Mine

  • Mining Clan

  1. President Tungsten the Twelth
  2. Overseer Donivan Fordring

Edgemark Barracks:

The barracks house over 100 Soldiers that work rotation to man the battlements and guard towers along the pass. They are the first line of defense in the event of an invasion from the land of the Shengalli Desert.   Captain James Monroe is the OIC of the Fort with his NCOIC being SGT Devle Hinson.   Captain James Monroe:
  • The captain has been worried about messages coming from his counterparts in Surn. Apparently they have had a major influx of refugees from the desert coming into the area, but with very little explanation as to why they are there.
  • There have also been a few cases of the plague within Edgemark, but the captain has kept the town under martial law since the initial cases began. Though tensions are high among the people from being cooped up as they are, there have been very few new cases over the last 2 weeks.
Sgt Delve Hinson:
  • Sgt Hinson has been keeping his men busy with patrols of the local area. He is very happy about the martial law as it allows him to do his job much more effectively. Yes, he has heard complaints from so of the townfolk that his methods may be a little harsh, but he is completing his mission with no casualties as of yet.
  • The Sgt is waiting for a report from his men at the Edgemark Mine. Apparently, the mining guild has been hearing noises within the cave and are unsure what they may be. (Side Quest: The Darkness Smells the Plague)
  Living Edge Inn and Tavern: The Inn was built primarily as a place for folks to come after a hard day's work and relax. Due to the martial law in place currently, the owners are having to limit the number of folks allowed to be in the common area. With that, they have taken to providing outdoor seating on the grounds behind the Inn in order to better serve the people.   The Turwinds:
  • The owners of the Inn and Tavern. Heather Turwind provides much of the logistics and hospitality portion of the Inn. Duke is the primary cook and a bit of a solemn man. He puts up with no nonsense and is able to handle himself if a few soldiers or customers get out of hand (Note: Was a Paladin of Baphomet before retiring to the area to relax with his wife).
  • They are not happy with the martial law, but understand its need and have adapted to serve their customers as they can. They provide meals to go and outdoor seating to limit exposure amongst the people. Though the Captain does not like so many in one area, he has conceded that as long as they are spread out this is an acceptable compromise for peace.
  • The Turwinds’ cousin, Remmy, is the mayor of the town and provides a voice for the various people (craftsman, miners, etc). They have heard that Remmy is having some logistics issues due to supplies slowing down from Ossindi. Last shipment they received from the East was over a month ago now and he is getting worried.
  • Can provide accommodations for the adventurers and are happy to help in any way they can with supplies and information.
  The Hammer: The Hammer is one of the best smithies within the kingdom. The Master Smith, Guldin Stonearm, has been at his craft for near 200 years and settled within Edgemark around 30 years prior. He settled here in order to take advantage of the local metals that are harvested from the Edgemark Mines. He has also been able to obtain some even rarer metals from his ventures into the mountains to the southwest. Apparently, he is friends with a Chromatic dragon there that assists him in smelting some of the precious ores.  
  • The Dragons name is Furlock, a Mature Bronze dragon.
  • Guldin can craft nearly any masterwork quality item a person may want, given the proper amount of time and resources. He does not offer to tell his secrets to the specialized dragonbreath weapons without a whole lot more loyalty than the party probably has. If the party ever helps save his friend’s, the dragon Furlock, life, then he will be indebted to them and happily teach and create dragonbreath weapons.
  Residential District: Many of the artisans of the fort live here. Over the years, more people have come to make Edgemark their home due to its location. Even though it is a harsh place to live, there is great opportunity to trade with the Shengalli Desert people.  
  • Mayor Remmy Turwind helps to facilitate the needs of the people in Edgemark, communicating their issues to Capt. Monroe. Lately, the people have been very restless not only due to the plague, but the strict martial law being placed upon them by the captain. He is working closely with them to find a balance between freedom and military control.
  • Mayor Remmy is also concerned with the stoppage of trade from Ossindi, IT has been a month since the last shipments came through and the artisans are worried about their wears sitting stale. He sent a messenger to Ossindi 2 weeks prior, but has yet to hear anything back.
  • Messages have been coming in from Surn and his most recent from 3 days back has mentioned and influx of refugees for the Shengalli Desert. There are no details, but many arrive in the border town not remembering how they got there or where they came from.
  Mining Guild The mining guild is run by Mining Clan President Tungsten the Twelth (who when asked about his name is more than happy to explain his line or noble Tungstens they he descended from).
  • The mining guild has been very successful with harvesting minerals from the local mine over the last 50 years, as the mine does not seem to run dry. They have gone miles into the rock and continue to find an abundance of resources.
  • Recently, his miners have been mentioning noises from within the mines, but when they go to look there is nothing there of interest. They suspect Kobolds (as they have had to clear a kobold nest out in the past), but can not be sure since the creatures normally attack instead of hide. (Side Quest: The Darkness Smells the Plague)
  • Overseer Donivan Fordring is a tough man who keeps the workers busy and the minerals flowing. He is not afraid to pick up a pickaxe himself and get to work. Lately, he has been a little under the weather and worries that it may be the plague (as he prolly shouldnt have slept with that working lady the other night when she wasn’t feeling so well herself).
  • Note: Fordring does have the plague and will continue to get worse as the adventurers are in the town. Eventually he succumbs and dies 3 days after the heroes arrive.
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