King of Volkova Rank/Title in World of Lathas | World Anvil

King of Volkova

Kingdom of Volkov

Geography Area Total: 15,000 sq mi Land: 14,896 sq mi Water: 104 sq mi Boundaries: ~765 mi Climate Temperate, more than 50% of days are overcast Terrain Mostly rugged hills and low mountains; level to rolling plains in center Elevation Mean Elevation: 162m Lowest Elevation: -4m Highest Point: 1400m Land Use Agriculture: ~2,000 sq mi 25% arable .2% permanent crops 45.7% permanent pasture Forest: ~1,787 sq mi Other: ~2,532 sq mi Government Absolute Monarchy Ruler: King Draigo Volkov Queen: Queen Katarina Volkov Heir Apparent: Prince Radovan Volkov   Royal High Cabinet Archmage: Count Yaromir Jasna Chief Steward/ess: Countess Galina Blazhovna War Master: Grand Marshal Octavian Tlayco Spy Master: Count Hektor Mahavir Royal Inquisition: Grand Inquisitor Adrex Delmirev Conductor of the Choir Orthodox: Count-Seneschal Thoradin Daerdhak   Royal Lower Cabinet Interior Councillor: Baroness Runa Matlal Head Ambassador: Baron Baraka Abhay Chief Judge: Baron Hakim Melech Supreme Agronomist: Druid-Elder Savaran Vadania   Divine Mandate The Divine Mandate is the codex upon which the supreme authority of the monarch is predicated. It outlines strict boundaries on what constitutes righteous rule. It is believed that any King or Queen that deviates from the mandate, will be cast down by the gods. Under the Divine Mandate, the Royal Inquisition and the Choir Orthodox were instituted.   Demographics: Population: ~300,000 Population Density: 20/sq mile
Civic, Political
Divine Mandate
Form of Address
Your Majesty, His Majesty
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until death or abdication
Current Holders
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