History of World of Remnant (RWBY)

Brief timeline of Events

  • 0 BGW

    4 Oritober 12:00

    The end of the Great War
    Diplomatic action

      The Great Industrial War comes to a Conclusion in the Kingdom of Vacuo, with Vast Wastelands dotting the Surface of Remnant from the Detonation of multiple highly explosive Dust Mega Bombs made possible by Decades of Reckless Industralisation, War Mongering and Division nearly brings the World to it's bring, but in it's Darkest Time, The King of Vale, Arthur Lionheart chooses Trust & Love and reunites the Remaining Countries of the World to Usher in a Era of Peace.   The Great War comes to a end with The Kingdoms of Vale and Vacuo as the winners of the conflict, over the next month fighting slowly dies down the majority of combatants surrenders to Vale.   The Fallout of the War results in multiple Long-Standing Skirmishes, Infighting, Crime Sprees and worse across many Nations as supply Shortages, Economic Downturns and worse ravages the Once Vibrant world. Giving the Newest Generation much to work on.

  • 1 AGW

    1 Aurous
    21 AGW

    2 Aurous

    Whitecliffe Drafts Bill of Rights
    Political event

    Whitecliffe begins a long and painful process of Democratization and Reconfigurement from the War-Time Provisional Adminstration. A Painful set of reforms take place over the years with much of the difficulty surrounding the Bill of Rights. Faunus are left under represented in Whitecliffe's Democracy.   Other Problems included Economic Instability, Corruption & Continued Over-Funding of the Military in order to defend from the Grimm. Crime also saw a period of growth within this time.

  • 1 AGW

    6 Lightus
    45 AGW

    6 Rubaria

    The Post War Mistral Adminstration
    Political event

    Mistral is Organised into a Nominally Democratic Liberalised Capitalist Country with it's Kingly Throne left unseated for the remainder of History. Shock Economics & Corruption become Spectres that Plague Mistral for Decades. Various Reforms are passed but the Country doesn't become renewed like Vale Promised and the Culture of Art and Expression remains withered and is instead replaced with a Culture of Fear & Depression.   Organised Crime and Mistral's Legacy Problems orginate from this Era in their history. During this Time Mistral is Fully Demilitarised with the Mistral Guard reduced to a Shadow of what it once was. Atlassian Military Units become integral to the Everyday Security of the Kingdom while Haven Academy Struggles to Operate.

  • 4 AGW

    4 Rubaria
    21 AGW

    2 Selutara

    Vacuo's Great Depression
    Financial Event

    Vacuo as the Final Stand was destroyed by the use of Dust Mega Bombs which ravaged the land Scape and began withering the Virtality of the Land. The Economy crashed soon after the War when the Gold Reserves were discovered to have been destroyed in a Bombing. Due to Vale's own Economic & Polticial Issues, they shirked their committments to Vale which weakened the Kingdom.    Soon after the Emergence of Vast Raider Gangs and General Anarchy began nipping away at the Old Kingdom's Borders with Grimm ravaging settlements and slowly pushed the Kingdom closer and Closer to the breaking point. By 21 AGW, Vacuo becomes a miasma of Dissident Surviving City States with a Floudnering Central Government.    Eventually the Kingdom of Vacuo becomes increasingly found only within the Borders of Vacuo City itself.

  • 4 AGW

    7 Lightus 08:00
    18 AGW

    9 Junus

    Whitecliffe begins Expansion
    Construction beginning/end

    The City of Whitecliffe begins it's aggressive campaign of expansion against the Grimm, expanding into the Deep Reaches, fighting at sea and uses it's post war technology to begin reshaping it's terrible geography to secure it's self. The Event become a massively profitable venture and propels the City into Greater Sigificance.

  • 6 AGW

    7 Phoenixa
    9 AGW

    10 Rubaria

    Atlas Seizes Control of Mantle

    Atlas erects from the ground and become the floating Capital of Solitas, Atlas replaces mantle as the capital and brings in various surviving officials into Kingdom Leadership. Atlas spends it's beginning years establishing the New Administration which is Democratic in nature and utilises Shock Economics & Politics to dramatically shift Mantle away from the Imperialist Industrial Society it was and into a Liberal Free-Market Democracy.   Extreme Poverty, Unrest, Recession and Instability haunts Mantle for a long Time as a Result.

  • 9 AGW

    3 Decendus
    23 AGW

    5 Rubaria

    Atlas Secures Mantle's Holdings
    Political event

    Atlas slowly expands over the Old Kingdom's Holdings. A Brief Skirmish between Whitecliffe and Atlas results in the Treaty of Two, where Whitecliffe joins Atlas's Kingdom though very begrudgingly. Other city states put up mild skirmishes but fail to resist.   The Grimm also up their attacks during this time, resulting in a swifter reunification of the kingdom and perpetuate Atlas's Regional dominance for the foreseeable future. The Furst stint into Imperial Control swells the Coffers of the Kingdom's elite and a New Neo-Imperialist Model begins to take shape within the Young Democracy.

  • 10 AGW

    12 Selutara
    18 AGW

    5 Aurous

    3/4 Academies Founded

    Beacon, Haven and Atlas Academy is founded. This officially marks the beginning of the Hunters system where specially selected individuals would be raised and trained to fight Grimm using state of the art Weapons, equipment and the finest Training in the world.   Shade's establishment is delayed due to troubles in Vacuo. Beacon was the first Academy to be built and was the greatest of the Academy's.

  • 10 AGW

    3 Darkus
    32 AGW

    4 Aurous

    Dust Energy Supplants Fossil Fuels & Steam
    Technological achievement

    Dust becomes the Superior form of Energy Production in the World and side-steps ongoing efforts to discover Nuclear Power. Fossil Fuels & Steam Energy Companies and Guilds wither with declining Profits. The only one to survive the Energy Revolution is the Oil Industry due to Alternate uses for Oil.

  • 12 AGW

    1 Aurous
    13 AGW

    4 Selutara

    Vale Bans Slavery
    Political event

    Vale spends a year drafting the World's first International law, forcing every nation to Ban slavery, causing millions of losses in Lien but rescuing millions more from inhumane captivity. Freed Men and Women remain vulnerable to discrimination and racism.

    The City of Vale
  • 13 AGW

    2 Selutara
    15 AGW

    7 Junus

    Atlas and Vale begin CCTS Tower
    Scientific achievement

    Atlas and Vale sign an agreement for the Construction of the first CCTS Tower, built in Vale. The CCTS tower is the world's biggest Communications Relay that allows for Global communication. The Atlas Science and Development Department also is given generous research Grants for the first time.    This was the first Major Step towards Global Communication and by the End of Construction, the First Years of the Internet Began. Initially this was the first first CCTS Tower every built but the completion of the Tower swiftly motivated the planning of new projects.

  • 15 AGW

    10 Selutara
    98 AGW

    6 Aurous

    The 2nd Industrial Revolution
    Technological achievement

    Atlas begins working on a series of Technological investments spurred by the Mass Adoption of Dust Powered Technologies, including advances in computing, Industry, 3D Printing, Communication, the Internet, Wide screen Television then Holo Screen television. Major advancements in Dustology and the research of Abstract Science.   It also revolutionizes every day life becoming the worlds leading developer of Technology, Weapons and equipment.   As a result, the World Transferred slowly from the Rustic Quasi Modern Aesthetic of the Early Post War Period, somewhat resembling the early 20th Century and increasingly resembled a Futureistic Society. Later on New Technologies like Robotics & AI become hugely advanced with Top-Secret Military Projects surrounding the creation of Semblances and Auras take centre stage.

  • 16 AGW

    4 Rubaria
    23 AGW

    7 Junus

    Faunus Discontent Rises
    Political event

    World Wide, The Faunus get the short-end of the stick. Various political movements form demanding that the Faunus be given rights. The Great Panthers movement begins, defending fellow faunus from attacks by supremacists.   Work Labour laws continue to decline for Faunus and the Racial Pay gap continues to get worse. Whitecliffe is worse affected and slides into a era of violent unrest and instability. Various sterotypes & Racist Science is also Popularised at this time, with Schools in Mistral & Atlas Starting to teach these things.    Movies, Books & Media also Spread, Enodrse and perpuatate a Steady stream of Violence against the Faunus. Soon other Phobias such as Xenophobia, Homophobia, Phobia of the Mentally ill and pretty much anything a Bigot could attack becomes mainstream.    Such as Atlas's 'Birth of a People' Movie Series that depicts as Humans being the Valiant Defenders of the World while Faunus as the 'Troublesome Lesser' to be taught. The Movie by Kingdom Media is applauded as 'Movie Making Genius' and highly acclaimed and honoured by Movie Studios & Critics alike.   The Unrest only adds to the Discord of the Post-War World.

  • 17 AGW

    2 Lightus
    22 AGW

    2 Junus

    The Schnee Dust Company is Founded

    The SDC is founded by Nicholas Schnee. The SDC is seen as revolutionary and a force for good, Nicholas employs millions of Faunus with good and fair jobs. The Company rapidly expands across the globe as it's primary producer and distributor of Dust.   The SDC bases it's self in Vacuo though some raise concerns over potential abuse on the vulnerable Kingdom.

  • 18 AGW

    9 Helixia

    The King of Vale Dies
    Life, Death

    King Arthur Lionheart dies when battle Grimm in future Mt. Glenn, fighting a large army of Grimm trying to invade Vale. The Kingdom Council system is made as no Viable heir was in place for Arthur's death.   A Replica of his sword was stabbed into the stone of his Home town, Rose City. To this day it is a often visited as one of Vale's top tourist spots.

  • 19 AGW

    1 Aurous
    27 AGW

    6 Selutara

    Faunus Rights & Social Progress Stall
    Political event

    The Kingdom of Vale begins Slacking in it's Progress after the King dies, most of the Progressive Movements in Vale lose steam as Beaucracy and Institutionalism slows the pace to Incremental inches with increasingly larger back-steps. Other Issues relating to LGBTIQ+ Matters also begin declining with the Government taking a 'Neutral Stance'. With Vale out of the Picture, The Big Picture of Civil Liberties begins to develop a Rather Grim Outlook with Human Supremacist Ideologies gaining traction within Remnant.    By 27 AGW, The Kingdom of Vale begins making various nervous concessions to Human Supremacists in hopes they'll go away, but they didn't.

  • 21 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    The First Smart Scroll was Invented
    Technological achievement

    The First Smart Scroll was invented by Ultrasound Incorporated in 21 AGW, soon after many variants of the Scroll continued to be invented and improved At this point most scrolls operated on a Connection similar to 2G. These Scrolls had 5 Generations before getting replaced by the Next Smart Scroll.   It wasn't until Generation 3 that the Smart Scrolls became very popular and also made Scrolls an everyday feature of Life within Remnant,

  • 22 AGW

    Argus AFB is Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The City of Argus completes the construction of the AFB which further projects Atlassian Power Across Anima. It became a common sight to see fleets of Atlassian Cruisers to hang in the air and deploy troops across the Continent. the AFB also became one of the City's Distinguishing Landmarks for the Iconic Artificial Islands and the bridges that connect to it.   Atlas also begins working on schematics for a Large Robot to fight Titanic Grimm in the Sea. The Barrier ensures that Argus is never threatened by Sea ever again.

  • 22 AGW

    17 Lightus
    23 AGW

    20 Greentoro

    Snowfall Academy is Founded

    Katja Snowfall establishes the Snowfall Academy for Whitecliffe. The Academy exists independently of the Academy system and focuses on making small Companies of Hunters to fight Grimm rather then scattered teams.    Snowfall Hunters end up being a massive boon to Whitecliffe but have yet to be officially recognized as Hunters Institution. Faunus are allowed to attend the Academy making Snowfall the second Academy to accept the Faunus into it's Programs. With Beacon being the first to do so years before Snowfall even founded.

  • 23 AGW

    8 Aurous

    The Beacon Hill Compromise
    Political event

    After years of Protesting, the Conservative Government was defeated after Whitecliffe Police beat and arrested Great Panther Protestors. Prompting the Whitecliffe Military to step in and seize control the city.   General Clyde Snowfall hosts an emergency City Hall meeting where the City passes thousands of sweeping reforms and immediately bans reactionary politics in Whitecliffe. While seen somewhat Anti Democratic, the ban proves effective at taming political Turmoil as it is a general tool to mass arrest the White Mask Movement which has had major funding from External Groups.

  • 23 AGW

    4 Rubaria

    Civil Rights League is Founded

    A Whitecliffe-based group is founded to advance the Civil and Sentient Rights of all Sentients with their messaging being hugely about the Faunus. They help Progress Whitecliffe Politics further away from Human Supremacist ideals.

  • 23 AGW

    20 Helixia
    26 AGW

    19 Aurous

    Atlas backs the Beacon Hill Compromise
    Political event

    Atlas's Progressive Council approves policies that'll back up and support the Beacon Hill Compromise, committing to become the world's 2nd Democracy. Faunus still get the short end of the stick but find they have more upward mobility then before.   The White Mask movement is banned and mass incarcerated for Terrorism, The Majority of White maskers stay in Prison for decades afterwards.

  • 24 AGW

    Modern Scroll Invented
    Technological achievement

    The SDC Invents the Modern Scroll, the New Scroll operated on a network comparable to 3G and began to resemble the scrolls seen during the Volumes. Nicholas Schnee credited Engineer Aria Wynn for the invention giving her a slice of the profits.   Soon after these Scrolls became the staple of Scroll Development.

  • 24 AGW

    5 Oritober
    78 AGW

    4 Lightus

    Vacuo Warlords
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Kingdom of Vacuo after years of mismanagement and unstable governments. Finally slides into civil war between hundreds of war factions. Resources are scarce and the SDC begin deliberating potential solutions.   Vale Neglects to send aid to Vacuo, focused on other matters instead of their struggling ally. Eventually the SDC raises it's own Private Military Company and slowly occupies the country of Vacuo. Nicholas as one of it's final actions.   Helps Vale establish Shade Academy, appointing it's first Headmaster.

  • 25 AGW

    2 Phoenixa
    33 AGW

    11 Selutara

    Supremacist Militia Groups Put Down
    Military action

    The Republic engages in its first Campaign against Supremacist Ideologies within their Borders where various Police & Military Raids are conducted to Violently supress, Arrest and Execute those seen as 'Seditious' or 'Too Dangerous' to let live. Publically the Republic advertises this as a peacekeeping operation however the Move is regarded as Highly Concerning and a case of State Sanctioned Violence. Some studies also detail the raids as inefficient however, the Republic continues supressing Human Supremacy within their Borders.   Kingdoms Such as Vale Decry the Republic as simply attempting to justify their Post-War Military Build up so they may Contrast and Deify Atlas. However, the Republic publically maintains it as 'National Security Operations' for the Goal of Peacekeeping.

  • 26 AGW

    Dust Engines Invented
    Technological achievement

    The First High Speed Dust Engine was invented by the Schnee Dust Company, Nicholas Schnee Introduce d the Engines as the key to the future. Holding many conferences about the invention, securing many lucrative deals with Automotive Companies and began phasing out Standard Combustion Engines soon after.   This allowed the Dust-Car to replace all other standard Automobiles as the Automobile industry was highly dominated by Oil-Powered Combustion Engines as one of the lingering Growing pains.

  • 30 AGW

    4 Remnantia
    30 AGW

    4 Remnantia

    Nicholas Schnee dies of Cancer
    Life, Death

    Nicholas Schnee dies after giving the Schnee Dust Company a huge kick start, the Company doing well across the board. Unfortunately undiagnosed Heart and Lung Cancer made him bed ridden. Jacque Schnee after marrying into the family only 5 years prior, convinces Nicholas to name him CEO of the Company.    Nicholas died peacefully amongst his loved ones, the anxiety set in over the implications of his death and what kind of man Jacque Schnee would reveal himself to be.

  • 31 AGW

    12 Lightus

    Professor Ozpin is made Headmaster of Vale
    Life, Career

    Ozpin after a successful career as Professor in Beacon, gets promoted to Headmaster by the Vale Council. Ozpin begins a period of Reform and academic success within Beacon. Ozpin begins scouting for students.   Ozpin also undoes insidious influences in Beacon and re-secures enrollment of Faunus in Beacon Academy. Glynda Goodwitch becomes Vice Principal of the school and quickly becomes amongst the best of the best in the faculty. Various Famous Faculty also Join soon after.    He is also at the High Point of his Popularity and is seen as a Neutral Mediator in the contentious Times the Post-War World find itself in.

  • 31 AGW

    12 Decendus
    35 AGW

    23 Remnantia

    SDC Reforms
    Political event

    The Young Jacque Schnee swiftly takes control of the SDC and over the next four years, the SDC begins rapidly swallowing up and buying out Major competitors. There is 520% increase in Dust Mining at Vacuo.   The SDC passes a series of sweeping reforms that drastically degrades Faunus labour conditions and reduces their pay to near slave labour while also entrapping millions in crippling debt. The SDC's stocks rise rapidly as cut throat Economics took over the Company.

  • 32 AGW

    Flat Screen TV Invented
    Technological achievement

    The First Flat Screen TV was created by Versonic Industries an old Company later consumed by the SDC. the Flat Screen TV was credited to a Adrian Fell who went on to invent multiple other devices related to media throughout his life.

  • 32 AGW

    12 Aurous

    President Claudia Painter Ceritified
    Political event

    In Whitecliffe's 32 AGW election, The Progressive Party wins another election with Claudia Painter as the City's woman's Mayor and Faunus Leader. Faunus Rights enters a new era of development in Whitecliffe.

  • 32 AGW

    15 Darkus
    39 AGW

    1 Remnantia

    Atlas Expands
    Diplomatic action

    Atlas's Conservative Party wins in major landslide across the board, beginning a new Era of politics in Atlas. The SDC grows within it's Kingdom while Atlas begins spreading it's power across the globe. Setting up military bases in every country and land mass.   It's GDP rapidly rises while it's military Industrial Complex continues to flourish. Atlas engages in thousands of Anti Grimm operations across the Globe.

  • 32 AGW

    3 Oritober

    Captain James Ironwood is Promoted
    Life, Career

    James Ironwood is promoted to Captain after his exemplary service in the city of Athenia during a large scale Grimm Invasion of the city. Ironwood soon finds himself in a career deadlock as Brass believes he could be a loose cannon and a Liability in higher rank due to hints of irrationality.

  • 33 AGW

    3 Junus
    37 AGW

    7 Rubaria

    Gene Clinics
    Scientific achievement

    The first SDC Gene Clinics are established, giving out initial treatments for aging and genetic disorders. Life expectancy shoots up to 120 years. Retirement age is pushed back to 75 years of age in most Kingdoms.   Faunus are allowed to go, so they can work their jobs longer of course, no other reason.

  • 33 AGW

    18 Remnantia
    33 AGW

    20 Remnantia

    Arcwald City Riots

    A boiling powder keg finally went off in Arcwald City, Vale after police mistakenly killed Faunus rights Leader Sadia Paige. The Police were fed false information by incognito White Maskers. hundreds marched in the small city.   At night the SDC HQ was destroyed by unidentified partisans using Atlas weaponry. Whitecliffe denies involvement. Mistral sanctions Whitecliffe, claiming it's funding Terrorism.

  • 34 AGW

    16 Decendus
    35 AGW

    19 Remnantia

    Great Panther's Destroyed

    Despite immense success and agitation against Human Supremacy, The Great Panthers are Financially ruined after the SDC pulls their funding and the majority of members are saddled with crippling debt. Faunus unrest rises to a unprecedented level as Wage Slavery is enacted upon the entire race of the Faunus.    Whitecliffe is alone in condemning the situation, Atlas takes it first step away from Whitecliffe in remaining Neutral, enjoying SDC money too much.

  • 34 AGW

    22 Remnantia
    37 AGW

    16 Phoenixa

    Disorganized Mass Protest

    Disorganized insurrections begins popping up around the Globe as masses of Jobless, homeless and financially enslaved Faunus march in protest against their living conditions. Whitecliffe passes the Equal Opportunity act that'll house and employ millions of Faunus.   The policy causes need for another large expansion of the city and massive reform of Economic policy.

  • 35 AGW

    1 Aurous

    The Republic is Born

    The Republic of Whitecliffe under Painter's administration announces it's great expansion as the city finalizes plans to quadruple in size. Multiple reforms are passed to fine tune Whitecliffe's development and economy.   Whitecliffe's military receives major funding boosts, causing concern in Atlas over potential secession. The constitution also was completed and televised across the whole world as the World's first constitution.

  • 35 AGW

    1 Aurous
    38 AGW

    4 Junus

    Giga Extractor 1 begins Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    Giga Extractor Site 1 begins construction in the Kingdom of Vacuo in the long SDC occupied capital regions. It begins operation in 38 AGW earning the company ludicrous amounts of money and shooting the SDC up to new heights.

  • 35 AGW

    18 Rubaria

    Unknown Contractors Caught
    Military action

    Unidentified Private Contractors are caught raiding SDC assets, seemingly weakening the PMC's in Vacuo. It was never discovered who the Private contractors belonged too as their identities remain a mystery but the SDC blames Whitecliffe.   Whitecliffe denies any involvement.

  • 35 AGW

    3 Lightus
    40 AGW

    1 Aurous

    Whitecliffe Expansion Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Republic founded, the City begins it's rapid construction into the city of Tomorrow. Working heavily on infrastructure, development and affordable house. The City also refounds the majority of it's institutions to fine tune the city's development.   On the world stage, Beacon Hill steps up it's role in international affairs, securing permits and massive expansion of it's presence aboard. The Whitecliffe Military completely overhauls it's self to compete with Atlas's forces.    Atlas sanctions Whitecliffe and begins to militarize the borders.

  • 36 AGW

    11 Helixia
    39 AGW

    11 Selutara

    Raiding in the Country side
    Military action

    Major Raids are carried out against SDC assets and Kingdom Police in the country side, the grimm are ruled out but there is evidence that the Raiders are not typical outlaws but Faunus Raiders. The SDC accuses Whitecliffe for Funding Racial Terrorism   Whitecliffe denies funding any such movements, the honesty of this remains completely unknown

  • 37 AGW

    13 Greentoro
    39 AGW

    5 Phoenixa

    Vacuo Civil War Worsens

    A Group known as the Faunus Liberation Front or F.L.R gains major ground in Vacuo after using Atlas equipment, the group releases a Manifesto demanding Faunus Equality or else. The SDC is besieged on all fronts but manages to keep control while the other Warlords are destroyed by the F.L.R.   F.L.R enjoys massive P.R victories online. Many seem to be sympathetic to the F.L.R's cause, pictures of it's flags and propaganda go viral.

  • 38 AGW

    3 Aurous

    Team STRQ is Formed
    Life, Education

    Team STRQ is formed, which had Summer Rose, Taiyang, Raven Branwen and Qrow Branwen in the team. They begin their journey as Hunters at beacon, going on to become a Famous team.

  • 38 AGW

    3 Lightus
    39 AGW

    18 Selutara

    Mistral Slave Revolts

    Criminal Slavers face devastating slave revolts as unidentified partisans liberates hundreds of slaves resulting in the Kokun uprising. More uprising occur across the Kingdom of Mistral doing damage to the already struggling Kingdom.   The F.L.R is blamed for the attack.

  • 38 AGW

    17 Darkus
    40 AGW

    1 Aurous

    Vytal International Forum is formed

    In light of International events, Vale's council complies with Ozpin's suggestion to create the Vytal International Forum, basin it on Vytal, a small island thats fairly neutral. Vytal sets up it's own government to serve as a international hub.   Using the CCTS towers, Vytal attempts to alleviate global pressures as tensions mount. However the mission was Ill fated.

  • 38 AGW

    6 Decendus

    The City of Argus is Purchased
    Diplomatic action

    Mistral is struggling to control some of it's territory, so the city of Argus was sold to Atlas. Prompting them to begin building a Base within the city and fortify the adjacent areas. The purchase is seen as rather neutral by the majority of residents.   Faunus Protests against the purchase happen daily now.

  • 38 AGW

    15 Remnantia
    45 AGW

    1 Junus

    The Construction of Giga Extractor 2
    Financial Event

    The Schnee Dust Company purchases The Wutan province of Mistral, gaining Scrap City, Wutan City as well as Sashima City and Sashima Castle. Pooling resources together the Company builds it's second Giga Extrator.    Upon completion the Company's wealthy skyrockets again but the land in the Wutan province begins to rapidly dry up but the company shows little concern or signs of stopping.

  • 39 AGW

    26 Rubaria
    40 AGW

    4 Junus

    Whitemasker Bases Destroyed

    The White Mask Movement loses most of it's Major HQ's. Unknown Contractors kill many of the leaders and leak documents of various co conspirators. The move devastates the White Mask Movement as the entire faction is either killed, imprisoned or fired from their jobs.   Vytal demands that Whitecliffe release Military documents, Whitecliffe denies allegations of involvement. Atlas forces International sanctions on Whitecliffe damaging it's Economy.

  • 40 AGW

    4 Oritober

    Anti Aging Therapies Advance!
    Scientific achievement

    The Schnee Dust Company announces new Gene Therapy options that'll rapidly slow physical degradation. People how under go the therapy start to degrade in meaningful ways at the age of 80 rather then 50, meaning people live longer and healthier lives.   The SDC announces it'll be looking into ways to apply this to future generations rather then just treating everyone one by one.

  • 41 AGW

    30 Rubaria

    SDC buys out The Mistral Dust Company
    Financial Event

    The Schnee Dust company gets a step closer to total global dominance in purchasing the Mistral Dust Company, a once powerful industry from before the war, has been steadily declining since it. With it's purchase, the SDC becomes the sole producer and distributor of dust in Mistral

  • 41 AGW

    22 Helixia

    Equality in Whitecliffe
    Political event

    After decades of Strife and arguing, a new row of reforms was passed with the Equal Rights Act 41 AGW. The Act guaranteed the rights of Faunus forever, Gay Rights, Human Rights, Transgender rights and much, much more.    It included a series of reparation's payments that are below what was promise but is in fact a payment still. This Infuriates the city's Extreme conservatives minority.

  • 41 AGW

    20 Greentoro

    Atlas Passes Growth Act
    Political event

    The Atlas Government passes the Growth Act, which was a series of reforms that destroyed  a lot of corporate Regulation in the name of 'Growth'. The SDC was no longer required to pay anything in taxes and was given priority over Land Dispute Cases when the SDC displaces mantle citizens for something.   It also allowed for the total privatization Banks and various Industries that served to grow the wealth and power of the SDC and Atlas's higher society.   Mantle unrest grows and people begin gathering up for protest.

  • 41 AGW

    17 Decendus
    41 AGW

    25 Remnantia

    The Menagerie Solution
    Gathering / Conference

    The Nations of the world met at Vytal to discuss the Unrest problem with the Faunus. Whitecliffe suggested a standardization of rights and standards but Vale advocated for patience and open up more opportunities for growth.   Mistral advocated for destruction of the F.L.R and Atlas posed a solution everyone but Whitecliffe signed onto. The Menagerie Solution, where many of the world's Faunus would be put out of sight and out of mind. After weeks upon weeks of stalling and Filibustering by Whitecliffe, the Policy was passed.   It was set to take effect within the next 5 years.

  • 42 AGW

    1 Oritober

    The Faunus War Begins
    Military action

    The Faunus Liberation Front declares war after Vytal passes international policy to deport a vast majority Faunus to the inhospitable Islands of Menagerie. Famed for it's ridiculously high rate of Grimm attacks.    The war begins in earnest during the Invasion and capture of multiple provinces in Mistral, from Hignbana province oto the Haruna and Shion provinces. In Vacuo Coquina falls to the F.L.R as well as Schist but are stalled.   Vale loses Serpents Cross and a lot of it's rural territory was taken over by the movement.

  • 42 AGW

    2 Oritober

    Whitecliffe is forced to Abdicate from the War
    Diplomatic action

    Whitecliffe did not feel up to the task of fighting the entire world, hardly even at the size of a Kingdom it's self. It instead focused on improving the lives of the people within their borders. A move that was wildly applauded by Global Anti War movements.

  • 42 AGW

    1 Decendus

    The Battle for Vale Plains
    Military action

    The FLR and Vale's Defence forces meet in the field of Battle however the FLR was not ready for the advanced defensive capabilities of Vale's small defence forces and faced a devastating defeat that allowed Beacon Hunters to reclaim lost Vale Cities.

  • 42 AGW

    2 Decendus
    43 AGW

    1 Aurous


    War continues, many factories across the world are destroyed with many businesses exploiting Faunus Labour bombed out. The F.L.R had discipline problems, while trying to limit war crimes. They ended up hitting Civilian Targets.    Whitecliffe revokes it's material support of the movement in the wake of the War crimes.

  • 42 AGW

    16 Decendus

    STRQ Strikes Highwatch
    Military action

    Acting alone, Summer believes the War is going to make the situation for the Faunus worse. So she works to stop the war by promoting peace. STRQ decides to strike a major FLR weapons cache in Highwatch that was being used to fuel the War Effort.   Despite being alone, STRQ successfully takes out the cache and saves 10 hostages from captavity.

  • 42 AGW

    22 Decendus
    44 AGW

    24 Remnantia

    Team STRQ begins their Adventure
    Discovery, Exploration

    While following a lead they got from a freed Captive they find evidence of the SDC inciting the war on purpose. Following the lead, the Team begins making their way to Atlas. On the way they have their adventure, fight a lot of Grimm, foil FLR plots and prevent War crimes from the SDC.

  • 42 AGW

    30 Remnantia

    Atlas lifts Whitecliffe Sanctions
    Diplomatic action

    To focus on the War, Atlas lifts restrictions off Whitecliffe, temporarily easing the tensions between the two powers.

  • 43 AGW

    2 Aurous

    General Ironwood Promoted!
    Life, Career

    General Ironwood is promoted to his rank after years of good Service with a decent track Record thanks to Jacque Schnee pulling strings. General Ironwood promises Atlas that the FLR Threat will be ended in Atlas.

  • 43 AGW

    3 Aurous
    43 AGW

    30 Remnantia

    The Solitas Campaign
    Military action

    Over course of the Year James Ironwood manages to defeat the F.L.R across the continent, the fighting was difficult as the F.L.R were guerilla fighters and not conventional Armies. Yet despite that and the Grimm, James Ironwood managed to defeat the F.L.R   Uncharacteristically of Atlas Generals James allowed surrendering fighters to return home in return for Intelligence, giving Atlas an Advtange.

  • 43 AGW

    4 Aurous
    43 AGW

    1 Remnantia

    The Defeat of Mistral

    Though the F.L.R had no luck in taking Atlas or SDC targets, they did tear the Kingdom of Mistral Apart. Causing Millions of Lien in damage, the Kingdom was steadily overwhelmed until Headmaster Lionspride Ordered the immediate surrender of Mistral on the 1st of December.   Mistral was knocked out of the war, resulting in Faunus Victory against one of their Oppressors.

  • 43 AGW

    2 Phoenixa
    43 AGW

    30 Remnantia

    Rise of the Belladonna

    Rather then fighting the War anymore, Ghira Belladonna and Kali believe it was best to willingly found menagerie with the help of Whitecliffe, they established a settlement in Menagerie, named Kuokana. Founding Menagerie.   There with support of Republic Non Profits the Belladonnas got to work fighting a grand war against the Grimm. The Belladonna army, the precursor to the White Fang sees many successes by using the terrain to their favour, they manage to carve out bits and pieces of Menagerie out for the Faunus and make it livable.

  • 43 AGW

    1 Rubaria
    43 AGW

    8 Remnantia

    Vale Campaign
    Military action

    Vale Managed to hold the majority of it's vital assets, namely the all important water dams that if captured, would knock Vale out of the War, leaving atlas as the sole combatant left. Vale's forces were mainly led by General Lagune who over looked the whole Battle.   Even as war raged, Ozpin pushed heavily to end the War early by giving Faunus their rights but his calsl were left unanswered. A decision Vale would come to regret.

  • 44 AGW

    1 Aurous
    44 AGW

    16 Phoenixa

    STRQ Arrives in Atlas
    Discovery, Exploration

    STRQ arrives in Atlas from Eden Gate where they struggle against the SDC and combat their forces as wanted fugitives for a few months before finally finding evidence that the SDC has been inciting violence by funding the White Masks and paying for some of the strikes done their assets through the use of Mercenaries.   Profiting off the War, they manage to blackmail the SDC into pulling support from the war which ultimately knocks Atlas out of the conflict entirely.

  • 44 AGW

    16 Aurous
    44 AGW

    18 Selutara

    The Battle of Fort Castle

    Fort Castle happened to be a Fort that guarded an important road that led to Arcwald Dam, Vale's biggest most important Dam. The F.L.R had been trying to take it since the start of the war,with their most recent push beginning January 16th. General Lagune in elitist fit of rage was enraged over the F.L.R making insulting Propaganda about him triggered him to try and raid a FLR encampment during the night.   Lagune's inadequacy allowed him to walk into the perfect Ambush. Taking 98% of Vale's forces with him, the Faunus who could see in the Dark arranged the perfect ambush and managed to push his forces to the river where they flanked them.   Using their positioning and superior organization, the FLR defeated Lagune and made their move to Arcwald Dam.

  • 44 AGW

    16 Phoenixa
    44 AGW

    17 Phoenixa

    The Defeat of Vale

    Thanks to Lagune's astounding stupidity, the FLR defeated the Micro garrison in Arcwald Dam and announced that they held the water. With Atlas removed from the conflict, Vale was the last standing Kingdom.   However Team STRQ's strike at Highwatch prevented the FLR from being able to truly conquer and remove Vale from power. So instead, there was conference called.

  • 44 AGW

    30 Phoenixa

    Treaty of Vytal
    Diplomatic action

    After sorting out terms all sides of the war were able come to an agreement. Menagerie would be a Free Country, Faunus would be given rights across most Kingdoms with that only half applying in Atlas. Labour laws were reworked entirely in Mistral and Vale to something more agreeable for Faunus but still not Ideal.   Vacuo was to be restored, with the FLR disbanding entirely. All and all, somethings changed but not all of it for the better.

  • 45 AGW

    1 Aurous
    100 AGW

    1 Aurous

    New Staff at Beacon
    Life, Career

    Peter Port, Bartholomew Oobleck and various other Professors began teaching at Beacon Academy and have become some of the most well known and iconic professors of Beacon. Beacon earns quite the golden reputation because of Professors like them.

  • 45 AGW

    1 Aurous
    96 AGW

    1 Aurous

    Post War Politics
    Political event

    An era of peace was restored after the 3 year war had come to a end. Vale focused on rebuilding it's self and helping Vacuo reform bit by bit. Hoping to one day undo the damage they had done to their trusted ally, mending relations.   Mistral never recovered from the war and ended up selling off the Haruna province and abandoning the Shion Province entirely. Aside from mended work laws discrimination, Sun down cities and segregation continued unbated.   Atlas grew in power and significance as the world only militarized force outside of Whitecliffe's. being far greater then theirs, for now. In reality the war changed very little and only managed to get thousands of people killed and a bunch of Grimm everywhere.

  • 45 AGW

    3 Selutara
    49 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    The Grid & Whiteport are Built
    Construction beginning/end

    Atlas Settles portions of Menagerie and promises to provide Security, in reality, the two Settlements go on to protect Atlas Dust Extraction and extraction of Oil rather than providing any security as well as violating the Menagerie Agreement by their mere existence.   This worsens relations between Atlas and Menagerie.

  • 46 AGW

    1 Aurous
    49 AGW

    30 Decendus

    STRQ Resumes Training
    Life, Career

    Team STRQ fully Graduates as young adults around the age of 18-20 and stay together as team for a for a few years after. They finished as the 3rd Highest performing team of their grade, even getting a third place medal each and Taiyang keeps the trophy.

  • 46 AGW

    2 Phoenixa
    70 AGW

    7 Greentoro

    The Belladonna Army turns into the White Fang
    Political event

    The Belladonna Army begins demilitarizing and turns into a Peaceful Advocacy group known as The White Fang, the movement is largely disorganized but has foreign backing by Whitecliffe. Progress is slow and see their most major successes in Vale but not really anywhere else.   Mistral and Atlas are the worst culprits when it comes to racist violent acts and creating Sundown towns, Vale has a less extreme variant of the same horrific act.

  • 49 AGW

    30 Decendus
    67 AGW

    23 Greentoro

    STRQ gets to Work
    Life, Career

    Team STRQ works for a few years working lots of Contracts and earning them a lot of Lien in the Process and saving quite a few lives. Eventually they begin to settle down in 67 AGW.

  • 50 AGW

    6 Remnantia
    60 AGW

    1 Remnantia

    Mountain Glenn Founded

    The Construction and Development of Mountain Glenn begins, the City is planned to be Vale's most sophisticated city and turn Vale City into the Capital it's meant to be. The Construction is sponsored and funded by Atlas Investors and Whitecliffe experts assist in the actual construction of the city.   The Defensive strategy is planned to be aggressive and assert dominance over the Grimm and create progressive defenses much like how Whitecliffe was built.

  • 62 AGW

    1 Rubaria
    63 AGW

    2 Aurous

    Vale Ratifies the Bill of Rights
    Political event

    After great Deliberation, Ozpin manages to pressure the Vale High Council to ratify the Bill of Rights, Thanks to The White Fang and Whitecliffe, the Bill of Rights emancipates Faunus Completely, bans contract slavery and protects the rights of all citizens.   The Bill of Rights also bolsters the old King's law from Vale's last King and generally moves Vale ahead socially from much the world. Though difficulties continue, progress is Progress.

  • 64 AGW

    1 Remnantia
    70 AGW

    17 Rubaria

    The Fall of Mountain Glenn
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Mountain Glenn defences fail due to oversights in Defence systems thanks to shoddy funding. Grimm manage to get int othe city and a Crisis breaks out but the Grimm cannot be contained due to Whitecliffe soldiers beign kicked out of the city years prior and SDC PMC's focusing only on company assets.   Huntsmen and Huntresses are unable to regain order, the city flees into the Underground metro systems when a breach occurs and the High council votes to seal off Mountain Glenn, leaving millions to die underground.   The Event further cripples the Vale Army.

  • 65 AGW

    1 Selutara
    78 AGW

    1 Selutara

    Farseer Project Launched
    Discovery, Scientific

    Atlas Labs and Whitecliffe Labs join in a multilateral Space project designed to make the world's most advanced observation, complete with giant satellite dishes, Dark Matter Experiments and Planetary observation among a slew of other projects added into this giant facility in Light Tower, a large isle off the coast of Solitas leading to Amity.   The Projected cost about 7.89 Billion Lien and took many years to build but was generally a success with both nations managing to work together more or less. Creating amazing new facilities to study the stars.   Towards the end of the Project, Atlas pulled out of the program with national private labs taking their place. Whitecliffe continued the majority of developed past 75 AGW with its launch being a giant media story that generated tons of enthusiasm for Space Travel.

  • 65 AGW

    23 Lightus
    67 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    New Vale Port Founded

    After the Success of Mountain Glenn, through the use of Metro systems, Vale Expands again to start up a Port Sub City designed to make trade with with the other Vale Cities easier. The Port is sponosred, funded and aided by Whitecliffe entirely.   Using a similar strategy but  using the far more expensive Terraforming strategies that Whitecliffe is known for.

  • 67 AGW

    2 Rubaria
    78 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    SDC Railline Investment
    Financial Event

    SDC International Rail invests 1.45 Billion Lien into Mistral's Railway network, giving the Kingdom High-Speed Rail in the interests of forwarding Company interests in the country and making Mistral more vulnerable to Company influence and control.   Over time Mistral defaulted on loans and the SDC bought out the entire project, losing Mistal locals many jobs and building rest of the rail lines with 'special' employees and other corporate specialist employees.    Whitecliffe attempted to sue the SDC for exploitative market Practices but the international court ruled on the side of the SDC, allowing for the completion of the railways by 78 AGW. The Railways increase travel speed but bled the country more money and made transport of vital resources dependent on the SDC.

  • 68 AGW

    7 Rubaria
    68 AGW

    18 Lightus

    Atlas Secures Paladin Point

    General Ironwood successfully installs a solid foothold on the Kingdom of Astora, despite the high numbers of Grimm, Atlas holds the line but is unable to push further then they already went but successfully lessens the amount of Grimm invading Vacuo.

  • 69 AGW

    2 Rubaria
    78 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    Atlas takes over Vale's Security
    Military action

    After decades of Decline, the Vale Military was no longer adequate and The Hunters were not sufficient for dedicated Military fortifications.  Ozpin invites General Ironwood over Whitecliffe's General Rio due to Whitecliffe not having the capacity it needs yet to conduct such a task.   Atlas becomes a permanent fixture of Vale's Defence and is able to adapt to the Steadily increasing number of Grimm in the Kingdom, For now.

  • 70 AGW

    2 Lightus
    71 AGW

    9 Junus

    Ghira Belladonna Unseated
    Political event

    The Belladonna Army fully transitions into the White Fang, soon after Sienna Khan unseats Ghira Belladonna and rewrites the strategy of the White Fang, turning the formally disorganized advocacy group into a direct Action Political movement.   Aggression begins amping up and Racists within the Kingdoms are put under threat. Once again the SDC is pressured by new group, however the White Fang are publicly denounced by Whitecliffe. But the White Fang has yet to commit Terrorist Action.

  • 70 AGW

    2 Remnantia
    70 AGW

    6 Remnantia

    Vale Child Act
    Political event

    Despite heavy opposition from Vale's Education Sector, the CHild Act is passed which  severely restraints Vale's education system and restricts the teaching of rights, various historical wars such as the great war and much more.   Deeming it 'Inappropriate' to Child Audiences, creating a legacy of ignorance that would make Vale progressively more bigoted as time went. The Action was possible thanks to the Schnee Dust Company 'donating' to major figures and getting Company representatives elected into Vale's Lower Councils.   The move allowed for the SDC to promote company propaganda and bolster their influence in the Kingdom.

  • 70 AGW

    3 /15
    70 AGW

    6 /20

    The Union Leaves Mistral
    Military action

    The Union, a String of Islands adopts the Anti Individualist and Totalist ideology of Unionism and leaves the kingdom of Vale. Renaming their cities to stuff like City 1, City 2 and city 3. Atlas attempts a speedy intervention but fails to topple the extreme Regime.

  • 71 AGW

    6 Remnantia
    71 AGW

    3 Aurous

    The Egalitarian Society is Formed

    To pursue the goal of Peaceful advocacy, The Whitecliffe Congress passed the Egalitarian Act, the Act funded the  Advocacy Group known as the Egalitarian Society who'd recruit locals, both Human and Faunus to push for Faunus rights and greater Class Equality.   The Society struggled to start in Kingdoms like Atlas and Mistral but managed to form in Vale but didn ot spread to Vacuo.

  • 72 AGW

    4 Phoenixa
    73 AGW

    2 Aurous

    Vacuo Financial Crisis
    Financial Event

    The Vacuo National Bank defaults on bad loans and experiences a financial crash, breaking the already fragile financial infrastructure in Vacuo with the SDC Reaping Billions in profits from Vacuo. The money transfer was prevented however by supposed White Fang Insurgents but the SDC blames Whitecliffe Special Operatives.   The money was cycled back to the Kingdom but through desperation and corruption, very little of it reached the citizenry, destroying any level of stability left in the country. Whitecliffe-based charities try to keep Vacuo afloat but the damage is already done.   Vale attempts to bail out Vacuo but the Council vetoes Ozpin's measures thus Vale leaves Vacuo to die a slow painful death.

  • 75 AGW

    12 Phoenixa
    78 AGW

    3 Lightus

    The First Synths
    Scientific achievement

    A Vast advancement in robotics is achieved, the Penny Program is completed and is a wild success, not only can penny generate her own aura but is a fully functional person. Later projects create other Android models who aren't designed to use Aura by the Schnee Robotics.   Androids begin replacing some workers as they do not need to be paid and usually don't have legal protections with many not even acknowledging their sentience or potential of.

  • 75 AGW

    4 Remnantia
    76 AGW

    5 Phoenixa

    Human Purity League

    The Human Purity League is created, a Pseudo-Advocacy but mostly domestic terrorist organization that believes that Humans are the Superior species on the planet and that the Faunus belong in chains with some believing that Faunus need to be Exterminated.   Violence against the White Fang begins almost immediately with the two extreme groups radicalizing each other. Whitecliffe begins special Operations, conducting asssasinatiosn and kidnappings of Human Supremacist agitators.

  • 76 AGW

    1 Aurous
    76 AGW

    30 Aurous

    Vytal Summit of 76
    Diplomatic action

    The Vytal Summit of 76 is the first summit where Whitecliffe was fully represented, Representative Angelina Key gave her Firebrand speech about the failures of the Post war governments and promises unfulfilled.   Smashing their host Kingdom for it's own failures and indicated that Whitecliffe will continue to grow and build up and continue to pressure the world until Global Unity is achieved. Stating that the Grimm of Astora are evolving according to their scientists and that this potential Global disaster needs to be addressed before it is too late.   Though Whitecliffe fails to pass the Astoran Invasion Act to purge Grimm from the fallen Kingdom, Vale does move closer to Whitecliffe thanks to Ozpin, infuriating General Ironwood.

  • 76 AGW

    2 Lightus

    Vale Dependence on Atlas Grows
    Political event

    Vale loses more sovereignty to Atlas due to outstanding debts and sells multiple pieces of land to the SDC, the SDC with SDC PMC"s now control a lot of Major resource production sites in Vale. Bad loans continue getting handed out to struggling Vale Industries.

  • 76 AGW

    3 Lightus
    79 AGW

    30 Remnantia

    Whitecliffe Raids against Terrorists
    Military action

    Whitecliffe increases Counter Terrorist Operations across the globe, taking out White Fang and Human Purists. Atlas slams the raids as illegal and Vale tries to interfere. Mistral is left powerless as is Vacuo. Domestic crackdowns also goes underway   Arresting upwards of 8,764 Terrorists across Whitecliffe Territory and killing many more, drastically reducing the sway extreme ideologies have over Whitecliffe. The Operations are slammed as Tyrannical and Militaristic.   The Whitecliffe Government releases a statement describing the Operations as "Necessary and Vital" for Global Stability.

  • 76 AGW

    12 Lightus
    76 AGW

    29 Decendus

    Mistral Disarms it's Dust Mega Bombs
    Military action

    As a result of the Summit of 76, Mistral fully disarms all of their Mega Bombs. Making Mistral a non-bomb threat to the Globe. Atlas promises to do the same but that never materializes, forcing Vale to keep some in storage to balance the Geopolitical stage.   The move inspires fear in Mistral but the Mistal Military could no longer maintain the bombs, the SDC having taken control of all major Dust fields in the Kingdom and was squeezing Mistral's Bomb capability for decades prior.

  • 77 AGW

    5 Phoenixa
    77 AGW

    6 Phoenixa

    Councilor Davinus Marrigold makes Controversial Threat
    Political event

    During his speech in Whtiecliffe City where he was speaking to Local Supporters of his policies and ideas, he made a public statement that Senator Arcadia Bell should be hung in the dead of night. Gaining a roaring cheer of about 100,000 Racists it sparked in immediate and much larger public backlash.   Around 800,000 Protestors protested outside Beacon Hill demanding that Davinus be arrested for Stochastic Terrorism and Racial Agitation as well as violating hate Speech laws. The Courts took up the case with many Racists defending Davinus' speech as "Free Speech" and just "Airing Alternate ideas"   Alonso Snowfall publically denounces the speech as Disgusting and evidence of something being terribly wrong with Atlas.

  • 77 AGW

    3 Darkus

    SDC Site in Menagerie Destroyed
    Military: Skirmish

    Whitecliffe green lights a Raid on an SDC Mining facility known for Slave practices and manages to free the slaves, after engaging the SDC in open skirmishing in the Menagerie Savannah. Vale Denounces the Attack, Menagerie Endorses it.   Tensions bubble a little more inside Atlas.

  • 77 AGW

    3 Junus

    Atlas fires Missile at Whitecliffe
    Military action

    The Atlas Military accidentally fires a Dust Bomb at Silderfort, causing a flare-up in military tension and minor skirmishes from both sides before both State officials managed to prevent war through diplomacy. The Event hints at the continually bubbling tensions between the two Sister cities.   Whitecliffe invests in better Anti Ballistic Systems, planning for a situation where Atlas uses its Missile on major Population Centres. The Event worries Ozpin that this could be a step towards a new Global war.

  • 77 AGW

    3 Helixia
    77 AGW

    30 Helixia

    Councilor Davinus Marrigold is banned from Whitecliffe
    Political event

    Davinus was nearly arrested when the Whitecliffe Courts ruled that Davinus was committing Staocastic Terrorism against Faunus with his genocidal Rhetoric. Agents attempted to arrest him during his speech causing a riot which resulted in 67 Supremacists getting arrested in Whitecliffe.   Davinus escaped arrest and the Event resulted in a Military Standoff between the Two cities until Ironwood called off the tension preventing a near Skirmish between the two sides. A new String of sanctions between the two hit each other with hatred between both cities blossoming to all-new heights.   During a protest in Whitecliffe, Protestors hung a doll representing Davinus and demanded he faces justice. Whitecliffe failed to punish this form of Stochastic Terrorism resulting in a new string of tensions with officials bickering at each other publically and insulting each other.   Even bringing weapons to meetings and sometimes beating each other.

  • 77 AGW

    1 Remnantia

    Grimm presence Increases
    Disaster / Destruction

    Global tracking suggests that the Grimm Infestation level has soared high enough to Deem Vale as a Yellow Zone. Grimm related deaths are up by 180% but government action seems minor and ineffectual.   Hunter casualty rates are also slowly climbing. Vacuo's Grimm Infestation worsens the worst with Paladin's Point no longer serving the purpose it used too.

  • 77 AGW

    3 Remnantia

    Whitecliffe Demands Atlas Disarm its Dust Mega Bombs
    Diplomatic action

    Whitecliffe sues Atlas to disarm all of it's intercontinental Dust Mega Bombs immediately, Atlas Refuses and demands International Sanctions on Whitecliffe immediately. The Two argue for hours but fail to get either action done.   The event resulted in additional Military build-up along the Solitas DMZ between Atlas and Whitecliffe. It becomes apparent that the Tensions were not going to go away.

  • 77 AGW

    13 Remnantia
    78 AGW

    29 Remnantia

    Whitecliffe warns of Humanoid Grimm
    Discovery, Scientific

    Dr. Abeline Bright revealed studies that Humaniod Grimm were once again being created in Astora, a phenomena not seen since the days of the Great War. Whitecliffe notices a general increase of Grimm Presence world wide and agitates for rapid militarization against the rising Grimm threat.   boosting it's own military and redeveloping it's strategies. The Move arouses the alarm of General Ironwood and joins Whitecliffe's side in the advocacy but Vacuo, Vale and Mistral remain passive. The Two Kingdoms begin bolstering their armies and independently developing plans for the future.   Atlas again tries to invade Astora but fails, thanks to the Humanoid Grimm. Vale moves away from Whitecliffe due to the discovery.

  • 78 AGW

    1 Aurous
    78 AGW

    30 Remnantia

    White Fang Violence Worsens

    After rights for Faunus worsens, so does the violence and Terrorism of the White Fang, now bombing factories, dust reactors and committing now fatal kidnappings. The reaction of many states is to restrictFaunus rights and for the SDC to impose harsher punishments on Faunus 'Employees'.

  • 78 AGW

    2 Phoenixa

    Mistral Instability Worsens

    The Kingdom of Mistral begins steadily losing more Hunters to Grimm Attacks, and Kingdom finances enter into deeper dire straits. The Kingdom begins to bleed even more territory. Atlas sends a aid package of 16 Million Lien to Mistral to aid it but many believe it is not enough.

  • 78 AGW

    3 Rubaria

    Atlas Completes the Octagon
    Construction beginning/end

    Atlas finishes construction of the Octagon which is a Octagon shaped structure that centralizes all Military communication an is designed to fine tune and organize the Military's Organization, Whitecliffe is left out of it.

  • 78 AGW

    2 Lightus
    78 AGW

    20 Lightus

    Beacon Hill Congress Passes Grimm Study Package
    Financial Event

    The Republic Congress passes a Funding package designed to hyper-stimulate the Illumina Foundation's research into the Grimm and provide a 20 Billion Lien over the course of years to propel the field into new heights.   Judges temporarily stalled the measure over concerns about where the money came from after the concerns were dismissed. The Package was sent into the pipeline and the Illumina Foundation makes a series of Press releases praising congress for the package, promising to deliver cutting-edge discoveries of the Grimm.   Atlas attempts to cancel to move through international channels but Whitecliffe ignored the court and proceeded with the project anyway. Atlas' Octagon raises concerns over Black Money, claiming that Whitecliffe isn't being up-to-front about what projects their exactly engaging in and if they're ethical.   As such a new slew of sanctions was applied, doing financial damage to Whitecliffe, resulting in similar moves being made against wealthy families based in Atlas.

  • 78 AGW

    3 Lightus

    Civil Rights League Sues Vale
    Political event

    The Civil Rights League in Whitecliffe sues the Vale Government for Sentient Rights Violations against Faunus and Violating their own National Legal standards with private segregation practices. A Legal battle ensues with the League Winning against a group of SDC-backed Vale Businesses.   Vale is further Desegregated however some businesses still continue to practice segregation through other forms.

  • 78 AGW

    2 Darkus

    Stagflation Concerns
    Financial Event

    Financial Watchdogs sound the alarms over imminent economy stagnation and inflation as well unstable financial systems due to bad loans and imaginary money in circulation. Experts warn that if the potential crisis is not addressed it could crash the entire financial system.   Vale fails to act, Mistral tries to put in some measures and Whitecliffe is unaffected. Atlas imposes loan standards but some say it is too late.

  • 78 AGW

    4 Junus
    79 AGW

    2 Aurous

    Egalitarian Society Sues Atlas
    Political event

    The Egalitarian Society Sues Atlas for Civil and Sentient Rights abuses as well as the violation of the Menagerie Treaty by settling on Menagerie. The Lawsuit failed on Menageries but successfully sued the SDC for 1.3 Billion Lien for Rights abuses and repaid victimised families for what was done to them with many 'Special Employees' being returned to their homes.   The Suit failed to affect Atlas due to an army of lawyers that defended the Kingdom. As a result, the White Fang bombed the Court House in Atlas, causing a massive backlash against all Faunus which allowed for a subsidiary lawsuit where Singer sued those specific abuses.   The Case was dismissed by Judges.

    Atlas City
  • 78 AGW

    11 Junus

    Vale Attempts to broker Peace
    Diplomatic action

    Ozpin attempts to Broker peace between Atlas and Whitecliffe through their two most major generals. The Meeting soon devolves into a heated debate over politics, equality, the mega Dust bombs and national sovereignty.   The Two sides walk away with worsened relations than before, only managing to sign a very shaky and unreliable Non-Aggression pact.

  • 78 AGW

    3 Helixia

    88% Poverty in Mistral
    Financial Event

    Most people in the Kingdom of Mistral fall below the poverty line, Crime and disenfranchisement in the Kingdom reaches an all time high. The Central Vytal Banking System gives out bad loans to Mistral. Organized Crime flourishes like never before in the fracturing Kingdom.

  • 78 AGW

    10 Oritober

    Whitecliffe Completes PRISM
    Construction beginning/end

    Whitecliffe completes PRISM, The Psionic device is designed to disrupt communication and organization of Grimm using a Psionic Field using rich dust. PRISM is deployed over Whitecliffe and planned to be deployed in other cities to better improve Anti Grimm Defenses.

  • 78 AGW

    1 Decendus
    78 AGW

    9 Remnantia

    Vale Election of 78
    Political event

    Vale holds its election with a majority Centrist government taking hold. Most of the Candidates were middle-of-the-road, inoffensive conservatives who didn't really like Ozpin being the headmaster of Beacon Academy but lacked the justification to remove him.   Faunus Rights Protests increase, and White Fang Activity spikes as well with a series of train robberies taking place causing local officials to treat Faunus worse and more people to support the SDC.

  • 78 AGW

    1 Decendus
    78 AGW

    8 Remnantia

    The Whitecliffe Election of 78
    Political event

    Whitecliffe holds its own election, and the majority of Right Wing Candidates lose their seats with Moderates and Left Wingers replacing them. There was a riot after the election but the Police managed to stop the Supremacists from obstructing any process of Democracy with many of them getting arrested.   Whitecliffe decided by in large in all forms of Government to go the opposite direction of Atlas once again. Going into the next few years with the most Left Wing Administration in recorded Electoral History for the Republic.   Alonso drops his government's accusation of Atlassian Election fraud in Atlas after Right-wing voices attempt a similar tactic in Whitecliffe. Doing a U-turn and instead passing more policies for election protection and greater accessibility and transparency.

  • 78 AGW

    1 Decendus
    78 AGW

    5 Remnantia

    Atlas Election of 78
    Political event

    The 78 Council Elections secured, the Left Wing Faction lost all seats and was replaced by various Right Wing Candidates. The Lower councils had the most lost seats with Atlas heading into the next few years with a nearly complete Right Wing Cabinet across the Country.   The Election was accused of fraud by Whitecliffe due to all of the tabulation machines being owned by Jacque Schnee through a puppet Company Swiftwind Industries. Atlas Denounces Whtiecliffe as Anti-Democratic with Atlas officials stating there is no evidence of widespread fraud.   Alonso Snowfall decides to make his government drop the accusation, For now.   General Ironwood releases a statement hoping for a common sense administration, the meaning of this statement was heavily debated at the time.

  • 78 AGW

    7 Remnantia

    Octagon Terrorism concerns

    The Octagon Year 78 Reports are completed and privately relay to General Ironwood concerns about the White Fang, labelling them as the number one threat to World peace and Stability around the world. The report indicates that Violent Crimes and Hate Crimes are soaring beyond belief.   The Report however ignores the Violence done by Violent Human Supremacists.

  • 80 AGW

    1 Aurous
    80 AGW

    16 Decendus

    Volume 1-3
    Era beginning/end

    The Time frame of Events between Volume 1-3