Ilmitar Geographic Location in World of the Book | World Anvil


This is a Universe with one spot of known life, (It has yet to be decided/discovered whether or not there is life other than that which rests upon ilmitar), and is a magic-Friendly world where there are a fairly large group of qualified persons who can travel to other universes at will. On the planet of Ilmitar there are many natural portals that can be used as direct routes to specific places, some one way, some two way. If one knows how, one can also use more direct transuniversal methods as some have done, to get anywhere they want in Ilmitar or beyond. There are certain, hidden, and remote places where travelers from other universes can go and rest, or hide, depending on whether or not they are on the side of the Law. Ilmitar itself is filled with many different nations, all originating from different races, for the most part. The geography of Ilmitar is quite diverse and in some ways fantastical. Probably because it is not real and I like fantastical places that are on the verge of probability. I digress; in the northern hemisphere, there is a large Island continent, which is known as the homeland of the Ilmitarian people. The Human race lives there also, as this is where they settled when they were brought to Ilmitar (I will be making a list and descriptions of the races of ilmitar after the geographical description)


West of Ilmitar (the Island continent) is a great sea, that is quite deep. At the other end of the sea is a great continent that has been colonized by dragons, and some other nomadic groups who inhabit the colder, more northeastern area of the continent. The western side of the continent has an extremely high elevation, and the coast is riddled with cliffs that stretch out of the sea like mountains. Inside these cliffs reside many caves that have open air exits. These mammoth sized cave systems are where there are great underground villages towns, and some cities, of dragons. Some areas are sized for regular dragons and other areas they must transform to their human form. The middle of this yet-to-be-named continent is a great, pine and boreal forest, with many fir trees and the occasional cold lake.     At the Northern-most point of the planet, there lies a great storm, that is similar to Jupiter’s red spot (not as big). This permanent storm hides many things, but chiefly, a race of incorporeal beings who are known as the Storm Spirits. There is no “land” in the storm, but a massive collection of floating rocks, everything from storms of pebbles to massive slabs that cities of the storm spirits are built on. Of note, there is an outpost of the storm spirits that is south of the storm to a point where it never crosses over. This place is known to the Ilmitarians and Humans as the Northern Storm Fortress (even though it is south of the storm, it is north of just about everywhere else.). No dragon, Ilmitarian or human has gotten anywhere near the center of the storm by boat, wing, or magic. It can’t be done as far as everyone knows, and is very mysterious. The deepest anyone got, (and came back), the rain turned to snow, and the sea was engulfed in an icy blizzard. South of Ilmitar there is yet another sea, and then a great beach, that runs almost uninterrupted, for a very long way, horizontally across the planet. Beyond the beach is a vast, hot, and sandy desert. There are some rocky areas too. Underneath this desert is an immense amount of underground rivers. These rivers flow to a large lake that is above ground. This lake has no outlet, but is right on the equator and is located in a spot where there is immense heat. A ridiculous amount of water evaporates out of this lake causing great clouds to form when that moisture hits the mountains of Ilmitar’s southern edge. This creates the great thunderstorms that often cover the area around Telmarie and Thinwick. These storms eventually go and are absorbed into the Great Storm. A southern nation of Ilmitarians live in this desert, in great glass cities that are tall, not wide, and stretch up into the sky, drawing from the underground rivers for coolness and water. These people grow their food in terraces in the city and in great giant greenhouses that are designed to magically match the needs of the types of plants being grown. South of the great desert is an impressive jungle, that stretches until the climate is not warm enough to support it. The Jungle, because there is no lack of water, continues in a forest of pines to a mountainous south pole. There is but one nation here, and it consists of one tower, and an army of Gardeners. These peoples will be discussed in further detail in the section about nations. Directly south of the burning lake in the desert, lies a river that extends from a glacier deep in the southernmost mountains of Ilmitar. There is, the highest peak in ilmitar, and it lies in these mountains and extends to around 41,000 feet above sea level. There is an ancient Ilmitarian structure there, an old outpost of the Guild (won't be called guild) of Mysteries. The one structure that is in the southern Taiga is a Wizards tower of large size and impossible architecture. It is inhabited permanently by 1 person, the wizard himself. There is a group of “Gardeners” who are golems that live in the jungles and are programmed to grow and build things. They are not good at building things, however, and are only good at growing things, so they have an extensive network of trees that they live in, about, and under. To the west of the jungle there is a plain, where many animals roam in an almost undisturbed wilderness of grass, the occasional tree, and rivers. These rivers eventually flow to the desert, and there they dip underground, to feed the underground network of water. This (as far as I know) concludes the description of the geography of ilmitar. Eventually, I will get around to making a world map, and it will be fantastic.
Map Here
List of Nations Here

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