Wealding National Territory
Wealding National Territory is the physical land that is governed by the The Hallowed Kingdom of the New Weald. Although nominally, the national territory is all ruled by the Wealding government, in practice, each Wealding clan has de facto control over its clan territory, and the government doesn't even attempt to assess or execute laws in The Great Fens.
National Territory
2.7 million
Location under
Included Locations
- Badgerbank Territory
- Bearwood Territory
- Birchbeck River
- Boarford Terrirtory
- Cattleglen Territory
- Eaglecrest Territory
- Foxbriar Territory
- Hawkmoor Territory
- Heron-Stork River
- Horseriver Territory
- Lure River
- Lynxlake Territory
- Otterbine Territory
- Ravenpass Territory
- Ravenridge
- Red Dike
- Salmontree Territory
- Serpentmire Territory
- Stagthorne Territory
- Suttleaf
- Swanthicket Territory
- The Great Fens
- Wolfcliff Territory
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)