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Pen Arts Academy

Nestled just outside The Sedile near the Sellae, the Pen Arts Academy serves as an important training ground for many of the aspiring administrators of Estalia. With classes focusing on what are known as the "Pen Arts" - such as accounting, drafting, and writing - the Academy serves a fundamental role for many of the organizations across Estalia, including The Sedile, The Aranea, The Trades Houses of Estalia, Estalian Governors, The Silver Legion, and The House of Order. Many of the highest ranking government agents can trace their training back to the vaulted halls of the Academy.  


Although considered the most prestigious schools in Estalia, almost anyone within the Republic is allowed to attend. To apply to the school, one must receive an endorsement from a current governmental employee - of any station - and complete a pile of paperwork, including essays, references, and applications. The criteria for selection is not public knowledge, but many believe that the influence of your endorser is the most important, as many of the recent graduate have personal connections to many of Estalia's elite.   A small subset of the population see this as a breech of trust and that it directly contradicts The Grand Plan, however, without adequate evidence, these complaints have been entirely dismissed.   Despite this criticism, the student population is quite varied, and contains a wide stroke of Estalian society. Estalians from all levels of the Caste System, as well as from all around the republic are welcome.  

The Republic in Miniature

The Pen Arts Academy has been described as "The Republic in Miniature", as many school clubs and organizations serve functions which the government provides to the rest of the republic. Students are encouraged to participate in the administration of the Academy, with activities ranging from student government, and bookkeeping or other administrative activities for the Academy itself. These activities provide their students with practical experience, allowing them to better serve Estalia.   One of the hardest adjustments for new students is to learn to communicate with a variety of people. Because the Academy student population can vary both in terms of affluence and regionality, the amount of training, methodology, and slang is equally varied. Although many classes focus on overcoming these barriers, it's through these school organizations that most students typically experience these difficulties.  

Student Life

Outside of class and extracurriculars, Pen Arts Academy students participate in many different student clubs and activities. Although many of the clubs focus on student government, the Academy also has very popular duelling and debating clubs, as well as a fledgling Brambleball team. Outside organized groups, the student dormitories serve as the backdrop of many social events, and are frequently filled with the sound of laughter.  


Headmaster Pellio Betto
As head of the Academy, Headmaster Betto is responsible for the daily operations of everyone around him. He is most known for his extremely limited vocabulary; primarily reserved for strict "discipline"s, firm "students", and the ever rare "well done". A dragonborn of elder years, he was granted the positions from a Senate Committee after the previous headmaster passed away.
Marianna Trevi
Marianna Trevi is the quintessential example of a Pen Arts Student. President of both the student government and several other organizations, and top of her class for accounting, she has been lifted to the forefront of praise and admiration. Her ability to effectively manage her time has given many to suspect her of the ability to teleport or self-multiply.
Helena Vittori
Officially, Helena Vittori is one of the many students studying to become stenographers at the Academy. In reality, she was recruited shortly after her studies began to a training program of the House of Order Subilli. The House of Order recruits many of their spies through the Academy, with the school serving as a practice ground, during which they are assigned Maximi to report to, and they are tasked with finding out the secrets of their classmates. If they are ever suspected, they are removed from the Subilli program, but are allowed to continue their official studies.
Julian Goudrois
A son of a prominent Estalian merchant, Julian is seeking to become a high-ranking member of the Silver Legion. As a student of the Sellae, Julian is required to take some courses at the Academy, primarily focusing on the branches of government. Although he approaches his coursework with diligence and care, he questions the need for them, and would rather leave the dusty bookshelves behind him.
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
The Academy
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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