Session XVIII: Intense Gardening & HouseHouses

General Summary

Our wonderful unknown adventurers... AHEM!.. I mean misery business as well as the tall and handsome Ork Commander Gareth along with the equally handsome and freshly deflowered Sol made their way to the isle of Vicatio. Also, Timber was there. They met up with the ever-so-elusive Miss Luna after riding with Sylas and his crew to her hidden place among the foggy woods.   Arriving there, Luna made a proposal for them to investigate the newly formed Poison Garden which crystalized itself out of the collective of Auril, a collective (definitely not a cult) that Sempiternal & Commander Gareth already disposed of once. So what the coitus are these people up to? Miss Luna wants the misery business to find out.   Before finalizing the details of the set quest, they were introduced to their guide. The dwarf Mane appeared and with him all of Gwathren's trauma. Remembering him as the murderous evil that took his father from him. Before things escalated further, Yelmar secured him while Daren & Sempiternal exchanged information for an improvised decanter of endless beer.   Having now discussed and nailed down all the details about the job, they decided to stay the night before leaving. Daren did some absolutely normal, nothing out of the ordinary gardening while the others rested in the castle à la Luna. The next day Daren, Gwathrentur, Yelmar & Sempiternal made their way to Aspana but not before doing some Austrelian-level extermination on arachnid stowaway horrors.   Arriving in Aspana on the way through the Honeybear and Santos' magical shop of wonderous things our heroes discover that the inside of freshly named Beckandra (Becky) is made out of the same stuff the outside of Santos's shop is. Swiftly they decided to free Santos from the shackles of the backpack. Thereby releasing a demented, sociopathic maybe slightly autistic Djinn of omnipotence into the universe.   After that, our adventurers cleverly got Santos' cat to retrieve some items from the left back shop. And so they prepare for their journey to the kindred domains. What is poison garden hiding? Will they find Miss Lunas' scout? And will Sempiternal ever stop trying to turn a minor into an alcoholic? All this and more next time on "Mean Girls: Fantasy edition".

Rewards Granted

Map to the entrance of where "Poison Garden" resides
Intellect of the forest
Winters Embrace

Missions/Quests Completed

Aquired new Quest
Defeated the stowaway spider (& her children)
Freed Santos (What could go wrong..)
Report Date
11 Aug 2024