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Anto 42nd

Anto 42nd regiment had mass defection to the Satin Twilight forces during the roaming.

High Born, Mistrusted


Every regiment gets the following as standard basic kit: Per Player Character.

Characteristic Modifiers: +5 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence. +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Fellowship, Intelligence, Weapon Skill.


Skills: Common Lore (Administratum), Inquiry, Linguistics (High Gothic), Dodge, Parry,

Talent: Paranoia, Lightning Reflexes, Street Fighting, Enemy (Adeptus Arbites, Inquisition or Other), Peer (Nobility), Air of Authority.

Starting Wounds: –1 starting wounds

Additional Standard Kit: Chimera Armoured Transport or other transport vehicle (at the GM’s discretion) per Squad.

Fluency: While Highborn characters have learned to speak Low Gothic, they have no reason to learn to read and write the language of the lowly masses. Because of this, Highborn characters do not start with the Linguistics (Low Gothic) Skill at creation, although they are still capable of engaging in any verbal communication in Low Gothic that does not require a Skill Test.

Duty and Honour: The highborn hold themselves to standards of behaviour and etiquette, their upbringing distinguishing them from the low-born troopers that make up the common bulk of the Imperial Guard. Highborn characters suffer a –10 penalty on all Charm, Inquiry, and Deceive Tests made to interact with characters who are not highborn. However, they gain a +10 bonus on all those same Skill Tests when dealing with the nobility and other high authority in formal situations.

Abundant Resources: Highborn are almost universally wealthy and well-connected, able to draw upon considerable resources when seeking new equipment. A squad from a highborn regiment starts with 10 extra Logistics Rating.

The Finest Tutors: Years of study under a wide range of military instructors, and traditional connections to other military dynasties, have prepared each and every highborn for a life in the Imperial Guard. Highborn characters start with one of the following Talents: Air of Authority or Peer (Nobility).

Untimely Inquiries: Whenever this regiment fails in an operation or the Squad fails to complete a mission or achieve a critical objective, the power with a worrisome interest in the regiment rears its ugly head, at the Game Master’s discretion. When such an investigation takes place, even on a regimental level, every member of the regiment suffers a –5 penalty to Willpower Tests until the interference concludes due to the stress that it causes.

Dissolution Date
M42 152
Military, Army Regiment
Successor Organizations
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
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