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58m P.H.


The Laws of Yarth

Amans and Venari are Starlings. the only two survivors of a catyclasm that forced them out of their own universe. They exist outside of reality yet play a pivotal role in it. They for all intents and purposes do not exist yet they occupy space. And while Venari is not as attuned or powerful as Amans even she could be called a god in her own right. For Amans a mere shifting of his corpus to be more comftorble within the earths core could cause devestating earthquakes. and Sol forbid if a limb stretched from the core it could toss a mountain range clear across the planet crashing down somewhere. Amans's corpus saturates the world and can even be manipulated or tricked into thinking you are his soul and thus an inkling of his cosmic body could obey you.   Amans's presence alone has fundementally altered the laws of physics. Anything goes.


Yarth was once Earth. The Pop and Hewa were once mortal. They witnessed the release of Amans's soul from an ancient prison. they did their best to stop him with the help of the other heroes of old but couldnt recontain him. in the end the pop's faith in her mentor and the elder god allowed divine intervention if at the cost of her mentors life. with their newfound divinity the heroes of old confronted Amans at the center of the sun as his unknowable. and whole, corpus was choking it. using their newfound divinity and capitalizing on Amans's weakened state as the sun burned him they managed to defeat him. He was too powerful to be destroyed outright and instead his mind and soul were shattered. retreating instinctively to the now shattered earth amans's soul took shelter wherever it could imbuing the objects they inhabited making them into vestiges, and his main corpus returning to the center of the earth. alas it was too late and the sun began dying. the heroes channeled their divinity and through their own sacrifice gave their divinity to the dying sun creating a new godlike being named sol. Amans's death scream was enough to alert Venari who after a time arrived at earth. her being however was too weak to inhabit the earth and so she sought shelter in the moon though her power was too great for it shattering it, she now orbits the earth seeking the vestiges that will one day restore her husband.

Principal Geography & Features

as realities naturally mix on yarth it is INCREDIBLY biodiverse with biomes not needing to rely on very much meaning new creatures are all over. Yarth also suffered the "hemorrhage" an event caused by Amans moving his entire corpus iinto high earth orbit. this resulted in the planet being turned very nearly inside out as gysers of eldritch energies erupted across the planet shredding reality let alone the land. as such geogrophy can be funky and very very vertical shear cliffs deep chasms natural arches are all so common place they dont even catch many travelers attentions.   The world is also torn between the energies of Sol and Venari Venari is always somewhere in the sky seen during the day as the shattered pieces of the moon pulled taught around her. At seemingly random though a Nightfall can occur Sol dims away leaving Yarth in darkness. without Sol's light Venari is free to extend her corpus and empower as well as communicate with her Venarians Night on Yarth is harsh, cold, and the only source of light from the sky are distant stars and Venari's core eye casting a haunting glow across the landscape. in addition to Venari's eye her extended corpus stretches across the night sky creating beautiful yet arcane tendrils to dance across the sky like an aurora borealis.

Initial Active Setting

Yarth is a planet. as such it is the size of one. Though much of Yarth is frontier, so in practice players and characters are encouraged to be nomadic and hop from place to place.