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The History of Yarth so far

Spaces between sentient life walking the surface of Yarth can span in the thousands of years. as such fallen civilizations are buried at varying depths. The deepest layer of Yarth is the The Network here enormous cave systems caused by Amans's Corpus escaping the planets core crisscross the entire planet, and within them the original survivors of the Hemorrhage built their cities that remain occupied to this day. Network cities are often authoritarian and ruled by fear. they have a technology level equivalent to 21st century earth. The next higher level belongs to the first age. Like all fallen civilizations on Yarth they suffered a mass extinction and their cities slowly sank merging with the tunnels. The first age was only able to achieve tech levels comparable to a bronze age. This was also the shortest lived of the ages. however what this civilization lacked in technology it made up for in its extensive use of Cognomancy and Vestige's.   the next higher level belongs to the second age who curiously seemed to live normal lives unburdened by the harsh realities of Yarth, though many scholars believe there's more to this than it seems as many explorers do not return. the second age achieved a level technology nearly identical to the network's.   the next higher level which lays just under the surface of Yarth belongs to the third age. their technology level is comparable to science fiction films from the 21st century. They are responsible for the creation of Buzzies While they attempted many times to escape yarth and inhabit other planets Venari's constant presence served to be their bane.   Finally on the surface itself are the remnants of Topsider settlements that invariabley failed for various reasons.

Current Species & Cultures

The Topsiders currently rule the surface of Yarth from their floating city known as Icarus

Needs & Relations

Yarth is somewhat unique in that there is very little conflict. Humans work together because they must. It is simply too dangerous to be malicious or greedy, and for those few who do display malicious tendencies they simply will not live for very long. all the conflict comes from people surviving in a world caught between realities. though the The Heroes of old do sometimes go to war namely Hewa and The Pop which can shake things up.