Though it is the capital city of Dragenmor, Drakescross is the second-largest city of the kingdom, behind the more populous Port Emberburn. The city is split in two- spanning both sides of the Wyrmturn River.
Built around the royal family's castle, the sprawling city is guarded on high by the Zephyr's Watch- an elite squad of knights mounted upon dragon steeds.
Primary Residents: Human, Dragonborn
Primary Languages: Common, Draconic
Market Trade: Lumber, Leathers/Hides, Dragons- wild & captive bred
Temples: Primary: Bahamut Smaller: Elhaz, Abadar
Primary Residents: Human, Dragonborn
Primary Languages: Common, Draconic
Market Trade: Lumber, Leathers/Hides, Dragons- wild & captive bred
Temples: Primary: Bahamut Smaller: Elhaz, Abadar