Port Emberburn Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil

Port Emberburn

The largest city in Drachenwald and second largest port city of Dragenmor, Port Emberburn is a bustling metropolis filled with people and trade goods from across Yeshilan.   A well-frequented stop for many merchants, it is often a sailor's second home. And with sailors looking to part with their wages come the usual sins of a port city; watch which districts you wander in to near the docks, lest you meet with the city's more unsavory underbelly.    
Primary Residents: Human, Dragonborn
  Primary Languages: Common, Draconic
  Market Trade: Lumber, Ships, Dragons- wild & captive bred
  Temples: Primary: Bahamut, Sylvar Smaller: Abadar, Shar
The busy docks at Emberburn

Cover image: Port City by Tyler Edlin