Hogwatch Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Once a proud guardpost at the entrance to Drachenwald from Plattfalt, Hogwatch has experienced much decline over time. Now a run-down shell of its former self, it acts as a bare-bones resupply point for those travelling between the nations. Fewer caravans stop each year, as rumors the town is cursed swell.   Sitting at the end of the pass North from Hagovacoshya Swamp, Hogwatch itself is also quite damp and muddy- Summers are humid, the thick air filled with insects. Even Winter provides little respite, with cold winds bringing ice storms rather than the pleasant, picturesque snowfall seen further North in Drachenwald.    
Primary Residents: Human
  Primary Language: Common, Draconic
  Market Trade: Dry goods, game meat, skins, furs
  Temples: Smaller: Bahamut, Elhaz - abandoned
The flooded path to Hogwatch

Cover image: Streets of Sandvik by WojtekFus