Drachenwald Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Drachenwald is inhabited by great numbers of dragons and drakes. The trees that grow in its forests are highly resistant to flame, making their lumber ideal for homes that must withstand the occasional fire-breath attack. Although the forested nation is mainly populated by humans, there are plenty of Dragonborn villages as well. Amongst the peaks of the Hunderhas Mountains live the Silberner Dwarves. At the foot of the mountain range and within it's extensive cave system live what remains of the Khole Dwarven kingdom.   To know before your travels:  
  • Temperatures vary through the seasons, with moderately cold and snowy winters to warm and often stormy summers. Be aware of when you arrange your visit and plan accordingly.

  • The primary deity worshiped within the nation is Bahamut, with the remaining common gods of the pantheon earning a secondary spot in the hearts of the people. Beware the cults dedicated to Tiamat, as they serve in secret and aim to secure power through any means necessary.

  • The Western Hunderhas Mountains offer incredible coastal views from their peaks, and are considered the most climbable range in Yeshilan. Give yourself a few days to enjoy a hike from the trailhead at Currsfoot to the nearest peak.
  The Cities & Towns of Drachenwald:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
One of the many species of dragon in Drachenwald
A partially carved out footpath on the Currsfoot trail