Kegdrum Keep Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil

Kegdrum Keep

Kegdrum Keep is a large fortified city at the Northern end of the Masduulaagii Mountains pass. Those wishing to travel the safest path from Arohane to Plattfalt must first go through Kegdrum.   A city build with travelers in mind, there are plenty of inns a pubs, bath houses, and markets with wide roads for wagons. Be aware- with much of the city built into the mountains there are steep paths to navigate if you wish to see all the sights!    
Primary Residents: Dwarves, Human, Half-Orcs
  Primary Language: Dwarvish, Common, Orcish
  Market Trade: Precious metals, unrefined ore, stone
  Temples: Primary: Ordunnin Smaller: Abadar, Sarenrae
Temple of Ordunnin in Kegdrum Keep