Lillehav Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


A small seaside hamlet, Lillehav was a winter residence for two nomadic tribes that joined forces and began to settle permanently in this spot. Those accustomed to more refined cultures may find the customs of Lillehav a bit... rough.   While the people of Lillehav participate in sea trade, the docks are small and cannot accommodate larger vessels.   Summers can be quite warm, making the cool sea waters very inviting. Winters bring chillier temperatures, though the rare snowfall doesn't stay long on the ground.    
Primary Residents: Human, Half-Elf, The Awakened (Dogs & Cats)
  Primary Language: Common, Elvan
  Market Trade: Farmed produce, sheep, fine artisan baskets
  Temples: Sylvar
  To know before your travels:    
  • Lillehav is known for it's incredibly ornate woven grass baskets, often intricately laced with beads made of seaglass collected from the shores. A traditional wedding gift in Lillehav, the finest are sought after by far off nobles and fetch high prices.

  • A relatively new hamlet, Lillehav is a simple and quiet retreat lacking both the complications and conveniences of city life.

  • In the warmer seasons, the Lizardfolk of Tokamahana make Lillehav their Northernmost trade stop, bringing a variety of trade goods from Southern nations for a fair price.
The simple life of a Lillehav resident

Cover image: Settlement by Nele Diel
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