Orc Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Widely misunderstood, other races treat Orcs with mistrust. This may be in part due to their "monstrous" appearance- with large muscular builds, tusked teeth, and pointed, wolf-like ears. But there are cultural clashes as well, with non-Orc races viewing them as brutish and uneducated. Some tribes's traditions of brutal sporting contests, dangerous coming-of-age trials, and threatening displays of strength may feed in to these fears. Orcs don't often find a warm welcome in the cities and towns of other races, but for them it's just as well. According to Orc tradition, Orcs were sprung up from the soil, a creation of Yeshilan itself. For this reason, most Orcs don't worship the gods of the common pantheon- worshipping instead the very earth itself and preferring to live simply on the land. This has lead to fights when others have moved into spaces Orcs see as sacred. In some places the Orcs have been completely driven off of their land so it could be put to "better use".     Traditional Homeland: Drachenwald, Tirhollt   Current Homeland: Qayalar, Fredsfelder, Masduulaagii Mountains   Physical Description: Orcs have skin tones that blend in well with their environments in the wild- shades of green, brown, and grey; their hair may be similar colors, though black is the most common. Orc eyes are typically black, though other colors will crop up in individuals with distant Human/Half-Orc bloodlines.   Lifespan: Orc live about 60 years on average.   Size: Tall and powerfully built, Orcs range from 6 to 7 feet tall, and weigh 200 to 300lbs
Orc Shaman can be powerful clerics with unusual magics
Despite rumors to the contrary, most Orcs have close family ties