Greenhaven Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Greenhaven is the largest Halfling city in Yeshilan. A divided metropolis, the shiptrade primarily takes part down at the docks at sea level, while shops and living spaces are located safely amongst the Schaffenheem clifftops.   Built in response to the Elven colonization of far Northern Hillsfollow, Greenhaven differs from most of the small rural Halfling villages- a port set up for large-scale trade, tall watchtowers, and protective walls around the city. A statue in honor of the city's namesake, heroic bard Guldi Greenweaver, decorates the city's central park. Guldi's well-known love for animals has earned the Awakened an honored place as equal citizens in Greenhaven.    
Primary Residents: Halfling, Half-Elf, Elf, The Awakened (Dogs & Cats)
  Primary Language: Halfling, Elvish, Common
  Market Trade: Wool, wine, fruit, grains, teas.
  Temples: Primary: Elhaz, Sylvar Smaller: Sarenrae, Abadar, Urbaste
The Docks at Greenhaven
City center markets & homes